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hahah hey cmon now rodent hahaha i still have it in me, im just lazy. The best way to paint your xbox case and your controller is to sand them both with 600 grit sand paper. Buy some krylon fusion paint, krylon clear or any clear you prefer, and adhesion promoter. Spray the case with adhesion promoter and wait a few minutes then spray a light layer of krylon fusion paint. Wait 15 minutes between each coat of the krylon fusion. I would only do like 3-4 light coats. I usually wait overnight to spray on my clear coat. The clearcoat will be dry in a matter of minutes but i would still give it a few hours to completely dry.
thanks Toad I started my project with a different paint and going to stick with it for now for the reason of the color, but as long as I clear coat it, it should be safe then? I would just hate to sell it as the set and have someone come back to me and say hey the paint wear off