Author Topic: AV-mod for Odyssey 2  (Read 9422 times)

Offline WERY

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AV-mod for Odyssey 2
« on: November 30, 2010, 07:34:44 PM »
My first theory I had when looking inside the Odyssey 2 was that this must be the easiest console in the world to modify for AV and it looks like I was right. I really was easy

These are the parts that are going to be used for the mod(not every circuit is in the picture)

This is the reason I realized why the AV-mod is easy to perform on the Odyssey 2. They newer used an integrated RF-modulator which means that you easily can remove it from the console buy just simple unscrew 2 screws and unplug the cable that has 3 wires which are non the less than; Audio, +5V and Video(why it is so easy to do this mod when you dont have to look for where they are being output on the mobo)

The antennacable

The rear of the system. I wanted to put the RCA jacks right beside the powerjack but the mobo is in the way so I have to put them somewhere else

I will remove the RF-modulator from the shielding and use the shield for the AV-card

When you modify an Odyssey 2 you build the AV-card like this:

For a sharp picture, use a 100nF capacitor between +5V and GND

When you modify a Videopac G7000, do like this:

To lower the strong color a 270pF capacitor is connected from Video-In to GND. If you do this on an Odyssey 2, the color will vanish and the picture gets extremely bad so don not mix the schematics with each other

Here is the RF-modulator. I will remove the curcuitboard inside the shield and replace it with the AV-card that I am building

Had to solder for a while to remove the RF-modulator

Now the AV-card is put inside the RF-shield and on the subside of the board there are rubberfeet that will protect the circuit from getting in contact with the metallic case. One cable from the circuit is soldered to the case for GND and another one goes from the case to the GND on the RCA jacks.

Once finished, the case is back on the place it belongs and screwed with the GND cable from the mobo. The trimpot must be on the lowest level to get satisfactory picture

In the beginning it was maxed and the picture got bad but now it is good. I use Crypo-Logic to test the color and sharpness in picture and it works great now

Also tried with the PAL version of Pickaxe Pete and it shows a good picture

I recently saw another mod that could be done, probably only to the G7000 but is was far more complicated with more resistors etc so I highly recomend this one, at least for the Odyssey 2. I don not have a Videopac and have newer used one so my experince stands with the Odyssey 2. But that other guide has information on how to modify the G7000 for RGB
Brother of Bros

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Re: AV-mod for Odyssey 2
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2010, 04:08:36 PM »
Dude thats really cool. Keep that up. =D

would the odyssey support RGB->component because its a PAL encoding?

Theoretically you can make a RGB to composite converter by reusing your BC558B transistors; configure them in a darlington fashion and then correctly bias them. But some kind of "reverse schmitt trigger" needs to be able to convert the digital signal from the video chip into an analog signal. ~ (digital to analog converter) the quality loss might be too significant to come by.

I can't find anything :( If you can come up with a schematic go for it! :D

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Offline WERY

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Re: AV-mod for Odyssey 2
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2010, 09:59:14 PM »
The Videopac supports RGB and if you want to modify a Videopac for RGB you can do lik in this guide:

When modifying a Odyssey 2 you only got to do it the way I did. There are other ways to modify an Odyssey 2 for C-Video but the way I did it was more simple than the other ones that required more stuff to be soldered on the board. The ODyssey 2 does not support RGB as far as I know so going for a Videopac is the only way... Converting an Odyssey 2 for use with PAL TVs is so hard and expensive that its no use rather than buying a Videopac

Edit; Is this thread posted in the right place? Noticed there was another place for mods on consoles above in the indexpage...
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 10:21:50 PM by WERY »
Brother of Bros

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Re: AV-mod for Odyssey 2
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2010, 02:17:07 PM »
so the videopac is an add-on like a video card to aid the conversion from the analog signal to RGB?
but the 8245 processor supports RGB...
For those who want an even better quality video signal, it is possible to used the RGB video provided by the 8245

your project is on the margins of older console modding rather than electronics....

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Offline WERY

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Re: AV-mod for Odyssey 2
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2010, 03:12:39 AM »
Videopac is the european version of Odyssey 2. Philips is the owner of Magnavox(since 1974) who is known in USA for the first Odyssey in 1972. So 1978 when they released the sequel it was named Magnavox Odyssey 2 in USA(as Magnavox was known with the first one), Philips Odyssey in South America(they did'nt had the first Odyssey), while in Europe it was called Philips Videopac.

The difference between Odyssey 2 and Videopac is that Odyssey 2 runs on NTSC while Videopac runs on PAL. Odyssey 2 has a powerswitch but the Videopac lacks it.

Its an interesting point you make there about the 8245... As far as I know RGB was newer used in USA so consoles from over there does usually not put out RGB with exceptions like Snes that has RGB in the american version. Its mostly C-Video and S-Video in them. I dont know if the Odyssey 2 supports RGB but it would be interesting to see if it can

VCS, 5200 SuperSystem and 7800 ProSystem as american versions put out both C-Video and S-Video if you modify them. The french version of 7800 puts out RGB. But that version of the 7800 console lacks compatibility with many games
« Last Edit: December 03, 2010, 03:13:29 AM by WERY »
Brother of Bros


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