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;***** FIRERATES *****************************************************FIRERATE1 equ .167 ;6 spsFIRERATE2 equ .250 ;4 spsFIRERATE3 equ .125 ;8 sps;to get desired speed divide 1000 by your desired sps then enter;it here and recompile and reprogram the code;Example: 1000/4 = .250;**********************************************************************
reserved for board schematics
... have you tried both sides of the led?
im new with the codes, but how can i change the speed toFM----15 spsSM----10 spsTM----5 sps?????
recently i got some money and finaly decided to but a new controller hopefully with 4.0 board and make a video and pdf of the process of all my steps. and i do trust my soldering skills and my hacker ability to try to make a clear video and pdf. and if i dont run into any trouble on the 4.0 bard then i can officialy say that it does work for the 4.0 board. It may just be that most people trying this for the first time are getting these new controllers and may not have experience on these. so i will make it a goal within the next week to document every process.
read the origional post, namely this part:How to use this codeyou can edit the speed of each mode in this code just like in bmu by editing the value of FIRERATE1,2,and3 shown here;Code: [Select];***** FIRERATES *****************************************************FIRERATE1 equ .167 ;6 spsFIRERATE2 equ .250 ;4 spsFIRERATE3 equ .125 ;8 sps;to get desired speed divide 1000 by your desired sps then enter;it here and recompile and reprogram the code;Example: 1000/4 = .250;**********************************************************************change the values to anything from 1 to 255 to suit your needs by downloading the source text file then open in notepad save as a .ASM open it in mplab and change the values in the codethen recompile by selecting Project> Quick buildfinally program the generated hex file into a pic12f683 and install.
thank you. is working perfect on MW2
What speed do you use for MW2? 10 or 15?
Anything on vx4?im sorry i dropped off the radar for the last 5 months, and i havent been able to touch or even resolder my v4 or v3 wondering what others are still having problems with em or not?
25sps and 50sps work online???
So....After donating my only VX3.5 to AskaCapper, I have a VX4_0.10 that came with the PS3 I used for testing. Since no one has investigated this 'issue' I decided to download hypers code and try it out.It works exactly as it should, except for the LED. The LED is backwards:Mode 1: onMode 2: offMode 3: blinks then offMode 4: blinks twice then off.I am soldering it to the side of the LED that is not the common (toward the bottom of the controller). I looked through the scans of all the different versions, they all seem to be same. This is not a big deal as the code can be changed to flip the LED output.As for the RF signal: It works just fine. I had it under the scope for an hour. I pressed R1 as hard as I could. No issues. I dont have a game to play for hours to test R1, but I will keep testing the contorller every day for awhile to see if I can get this 'lock-up' situation to occur that others have reported.I am using the analog stick power source. If you people keep using the rumble pad, you will regret it. The motor is a major power draw, and is still susceptable to reverse current when the motor shuts off. Its a very noisy power source and it WILL make the PIC puke itself eventually.I am very surprised. When I hooked this up, I expected to see something wierd. Maybe something different between the VX3.5 and this VX4.0, but they are exactly the same. The power source measures the same. It takes the same load without problems. The pulse train for the buttons is the exact same. No matter what I did, I could not see a single thing wrong under the scope or in the game. I have no idea what everyone keeps saying that the VX4.0 does not work. Since every single controller version operates the exact same electrically, I highly doubt there are some VX4.0 that are diffferent than other VX4.0s (and different than all the other versions as well).For all of you reporting problems, I have more doubt about your install/PIC programming than with this code.As far as I am concerned, I have just confirmed that this code works on the VX4.0. PS: has anyone else wired directly to the LED as shown in the pictures and had teh LED behave the way its supposed to (as opposed to how I described it above)?