User Made News Article Are Accepted On Acid Mods---A very valid comment was made today by
VaLoRkEy: "It used to be if your mod was considered "worthy" someone would write somethin about it and put it on here, but I know lobo has had some really nice psps and they aren't up there so idk"
---I want everybody on Acid Mods to know that user made articles are accepted. Just like your ability to reply to the
Blogs & Media Team news articles you may also write them.
I request that any articles that are written follow the criteria for an acceptable article.
* Post the article in the right section. [ Do not post a PSP mod in a section for anything else ]
* Do not use
words. Acid Mods is a family friendly site.
* Please do not use acronyms: "lol" "wtf" - Things of that nature. [ Make it semi-professional ]
* Remember any news is news but new news is best!
* Photos & Video are always a plus if you can get it. [Try making a dummy photo bucket for AM]
* Try to find an adequate amount of information - Articles need to be around a paragraph long.
Pertaining to ModsThis is Acid Mods and when a great mod is posted the world needs to hear about it! I encourage any news even news on wicked mods that have been done. Just please keep the things above in mind but also get this sort of information.
*Who it was made by.
*What was done to it.
*Photos & Video [ If available. Try asking the creator for more sources. ]
*Originality... I cannot possibly stress the importance of the last bullet. Originality is a must have. Simple LED mods are not really what we all want to see. Tons of LEDs do not make a mod original. Try looking for the new, the strange and obviously the unmentioned. Something that hasn't been done, something that will captivate and intrigue your readers.
If you've written an article shoot me a PM and with a link to your article and I'll check it out. If it is written well, and you've met as much of the criteria as possible then I'd be more than happy to add it to the front page. I do my best to check Acid Mods a couple of times every day.
However what is most important, have fun! This is Acid Mods Where Consoles Evolve!