Author Topic: Experienced Modders, Help (Preferably one w/ transistor experience)  (Read 1027 times)

Offline Epic Lavalamp

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Alright guys, i'm going to be putting together a new mod once all of the parts arrive and had some questions about my wiring. But first, here's what im going for:

-1 red LED in each trigger that lights only when RF is enabled for that trigger
-2 red LEDs that only activate when RF for the right triger is on AND when the controller vibrates
-8 blue led's
-1 tact switch that can either be and extra X button or an extra RB button

Controlling all of these things will be a 5-position dip switch. Here is what each position will control:
1: Tact switch is X
2: Tact switch is RB
3: Blue LEDs on/off
4: All red LEDs work as indicated above
4+5: All red LEDs ON

My main question is wether or not im using the transistors in the diagrams correctly, other than that, I think I have everything hooked up correctly. But if you see any problems please post.

It won't let me post this with the diagrams, so i will try to upload them shortly...


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