Author Topic: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?  (Read 6138 times)

Offline meowykid

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Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« on: January 15, 2011, 01:32:46 PM »
Would this be possible on a slim?
This is what I am thinking.
Put the physical Battery inside where the umd drive was
Put the Circuits in the battery slot.

Offline Famas

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2011, 02:40:43 PM »
could we have some pictures of what your trying to do ?

Offline meowykid

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2011, 09:52:53 PM »
Well basically, I want to put this

Inside the psp slim, possibly where the umd drive was. However I need to buy it first and see whats inside it before I can actually attempt it, as I may not be able to fit it in.

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2011, 12:05:04 PM »
the second battery is it more voltage or just lasts longer if it last longer yes you could just solder kynar wire for the contacts on the battery to the slim contacts

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2011, 12:18:51 PM »
what you need to know is what the inside of the battery looks like, if it is split in to two cells it may well be possible but i couldnt tell you without having one of those batteries in pieces.

Offline meowykid

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2011, 03:16:02 PM »
If it is not split in 2 cell,  I may get one of the psp charger grip, or possibly get 2 smaller batteries. Apparently  this battery lasts 14 hours full brightness and sound.

Post Merge: January 17, 2011, 03:16:43 PM
the second battery is it more voltage or just lasts longer if it last longer yes you could just solder kynar wire for the contacts on the battery to the slim contacts
I am pretty sure it just lasts longer. Time will tell, I ordered it, from china so it will take several weeks -_-
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 03:16:43 PM by meowykid »

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2011, 03:26:34 PM »
best of luck please post back when it arrives im intruiged

Offline meowykid

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2011, 04:07:29 PM »
ugh  I also have to get the torx screwdriver since I have a navy blue Japanese slim -_-.

Offline son01490517

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2011, 08:16:53 AM »
Try this:

Above is my current battery, 8hr playing with 30 brightness (40 is minimum default)
My original battery only lasts for 4hr. It takes >4hr to charge (3h with original)
If there 3 are new, i think it will be much better (OMG i got 2 old BT50 for only 1$  :dribble: )
Fell free to ask and sorry if my English f... your eye  :laughing:

Offline meowykid

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2011, 04:39:26 PM »
Try this:

Above is my current battery, 8hr playing with 30 brightness (40 is minimum default)
My original battery only lasts for 4hr. It takes >4hr to charge (3h with original)
If there 3 are new, i think it will be much better (OMG i got 2 old BT50 for only 1$  :dribble: )
Fell free to ask and sorry if my English f... your eye  :laughing:
Would this work with 3 psp batteries?

Offline son01490517

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2011, 05:10:40 AM »
Would this work with 3 psp batteries?
not sure but i think yes if their cells fit in the UMD
also take a lock of these theards, good luck
if you success, don't forget to write a tutorial  :tup:

+ Same as my battery soldering :,32190.msg241680.html#msg241680
+ See how he cut his umd door, also his battery if you have enough skill (and money  :laughing:)  :,32190.msg272596.html#msg272596
+ And last, if you don't want to open your battery :,32190.msg272715.html#msg272715

Offline meowykid

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2011, 12:57:16 PM »
Also, does charging work correctly?

Offline Famas

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2011, 03:34:30 AM »
this will work if the batterys are wired in parralel and not series series doubles the power causing it to fry your psp but connecting batteries in parralel shares the load/ power and voltage but doesnt double the voltage so in theory yes you could have 3 batteries in parralel and it will work not quite sure about charging though

Offline meowykid

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2011, 01:37:55 PM »
this will work if the batterys are wired in parralel and not series series doubles the power causing it to fry your psp but connecting batteries in parralel shares the load/ power and voltage but doesnt double the voltage so in theory yes you could have 3 batteries in parralel and it will work not quite sure about charging though
Yeah, cause if charging doesnt really work correct erm, if the work it took to charge each battery be worth it.

Offline son01490517

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2011, 08:15:39 PM »
this will work if the batterys are wired in parralel and not series series doubles the power causing it to fry your psp but connecting batteries in parralel shares the load/ power and voltage but doesnt double the voltage so in theory yes you could have 3 batteries in parralel and it will work not quite sure about charging though
1, Right. After a moment of time, three battery will have the same voltage (because Sony cell is 4.2 but the BT50 is 3.6). A small problem i'm facing now is the incorrect of battery meter. The battery drop from full to 5% in about 3hr but with last 5% i can play almost 4hr more. Or you play from full to 5% (3hr) then you turn it off and shopping with you mama (1-2hr). When you home, you turn it on and wtf, it jump from 5% to 65% or 85%. In my opition, i think that PSP (slim) battery cell only recognize max 1200mah but when you solder 2 or 3 battery, you make it to 2400 or 3600mah.But don't worry, when the battery run out, PSP switch to sleep mode so you don't lost your current game. For those who want to know more, try PSPTool and find option that show the battery voltage. If it is 5% with 3.6V or lower, save your game ; 5% with 3.7 or higher, keep playing.
2, The charging work correctly with me. BT50 itshelf has the protecion circuit. PSP battery circuit design to stop charging when the current drop below 3% of the maximum charging current. Again, no explosion happend with me ( I'm not good at explain, you can read this to know how the charge work : )
3, You can use that Tonny and Philippecr if you don't want to f... you battery but i think the psp battery charge faster than these two BT50. When it full, it shut the charging voltage so two BT50 can't reach 100%

Offline meowykid

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2011, 10:00:33 PM »
1, Right. After a moment of time, three battery will have the same voltage (because Sony cell is 4.2 but the BT50 is 3.6). A small problem i'm facing now is the incorrect of battery meter. The battery drop from full to 5% in about 3hr but with last 5% i can play almost 4hr more. Or you play from full to 5% (3hr) then you turn it off and shopping with you mama (1-2hr). When you home, you turn it on and wtf, it jump from 5% to 65% or 85%. In my opition, i think that PSP (slim) battery cell only recognize max 1200mah but when you solder 2 or 3 battery, you make it to 2400 or 3600mah.But don't worry, when the battery run out, PSP switch to sleep mode so you don't lost your current game. For those who want to know more, try PSPTool and find option that show the battery voltage. If it is 5% with 3.6V or lower, save your game ; 5% with 3.7 or higher, keep playing.
2, The charging work correctly with me. BT50 itshelf has the protecion circuit. PSP battery circuit design to stop charging when the current drop below 3% of the maximum charging current. Again, no explosion happend with me ( I'm not good at explain, you can read this to know how the charge work : )
3, You can use that Tonny and Philippecr if you don't want to f... you battery but i think the psp battery charge faster than these two BT50. When it full, it shut the charging voltage so two BT50 can't reach 100%
Thanks, this is my first time modding so I am somewhat of a noob.

Offline son01490517

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2011, 05:22:57 AM »
Thanks, this is my first time modding so I am somewhat of a noob.
No problem, keep asking until you success. As you see in this forum, all questions about battery are about pandora ones, all question about UMD are about led mod or speaker mod. So it's very happy for me to share all of you my knowledge in UMD battery modding. I am going to write a TUT but i don't have a camera. I borrow my friend one and he forces me to give my PSP for 11 days (Lunar New Year - I'm Vietnamese).
Again, keep asking. My facebook : , write something like "Acids mod member" if you're going to add me.

Offline meowykid

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2011, 08:35:50 PM »
Guys, changed plans.
Gonna Use this
And I will take the inside of that out, and possibly put even more batteries inside as a combination with the batteries inside the umd compartment.
I will either use 2x of
or 2x of

I have another question, should I be using copper wires or copper strips? Does it make much of a difference?

Does the each battery need to have a protection circuit, or is it fine with 1?

Would 2 Psp 1000 Batteries fit inside the umd compartment (with the umd drive gone)? Or should I not risk it and use 2 psp slim batteries?

What is Tonny and Philippecr? "You can use that Tonny and Philippecr if you don't want to f... you battery"
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 08:55:02 PM by meowykid »

Offline Famas

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2011, 03:39:16 AM »
id use kynar wire 30 awg good luck

Offline son01490517

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Re: Internalizing Max power X5 battery?
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2011, 11:56:03 PM »
Guys, changed plans.
Gonna Use this
And I will take the inside of that out, and possibly put even more batteries inside as a combination with the batteries inside the umd compartment.
I will either use 2x of
or 2x of

I have another question, should I be using copper wires or copper strips? Does it make much of a difference?

Does the each battery need to have a protection circuit, or is it fine with 1?

Would 2 Psp 1000 Batteries fit inside the umd compartment (with the umd drive gone)? Or should I not risk it and use 2 psp slim batteries?

What is Tonny and Philippecr? "You can use that Tonny and Philippecr if you don't want to f... you battery"

1, Sorry, missing word.They are 2 persons. See 3 links in my above post carefully.
2, Your idea is same as this: But he didn't success:
- First time he applied voltage in battery (+) (-) but the battery didn't charge because battery has another (G) (i named it) in the middle. And it's impossible to do any thing with that (G) so this can be threw away.
- Second time with his 2 battery he cut their circuit board and directly applied charge voltage in battery cell (the gray one, you can see after opening battery). Oh yes, it can charge but soon his battery burn and smoke because there was no circuit board protecting 2 cell.

So you can make you the third following this :
- 3 battery cell include your battery inside psp (*) using one protection circuit board.
- Open the (*) battery without cutting its circuit board. Soldering as my picture above and you will have 2 wire, solder it in 2 external battery cell and everything will be find

Remember battery is battery and cell is the gray thing inside the battery and Kynar wire is good
for you in this mod

Battery = Cell + Circuit Board

3, I don't think Fat battery cell will fit in the UMD. But maybe able with the grip.Buy a cheap or old battery to try.


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