here are two of my PSP mods.
1. My PSPCamaro's PSP modded with 12 LEDs by Camaro- "Clear Blue Fullcase"
- glow-in-the-dark buttons
- 1 extra 50mm speaker
- 10 blue, soundreactive LEDs
- 2 green, soundreactive LEDs
- blue WLAN-LED
- blue MS-LED
- SD-cardslot in UMD-Drive [in work]
- rumble-motor [in work]
2. AlwaysUltras (from another Forum) PSPAlwaysUltra's PSP modded by Camaro- 2 LEDs in shoulderbuttons
- 4 LEDs in UMD-Drive, but it's still working
- UMD-Jewel (selfmade engraving "SN7")
- LED on/off switch
- extra speaker
