Author Topic: NGP: A monster in your pocket  (Read 3139 times)

Offline whitetop

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NGP: A monster in your pocket
« on: January 29, 2011, 10:56:33 AM »
Sony’s new ‘NGP’ (next generation Portable) is set to supercede the PSP and will surely stretch the boundaries of what’s possible on a handheld gaming device. Alas, it might stretch your pockets too. Perhaps in more ways than you might expect.

We note that Sony is keeping suspiciously quiet on the question of NGP’s price. However, with all that technology onboard – touchpad on the rear, 3G connectivity (on some models), graphics that are four times sharper than the PSP, a trio of motion-sensing accelerometers, GPS functions etc – it’s hardly likely that it’s going to be cheap. But quality comes at a price, and if you can afford to splash the requisite cash you might want to invest in some trousers with a bit more storage space too.

You’re certainly going to need it, as this graphic (courtesy of demonstrates. In straightforward terms NGP is an absolute beast of a handheld. At 182mm (7.1 inches) in length it dwarfs its PSP predecessors and is alarmingly mahoosive in comparison to the iPhone, (volume-wise, more than three times the size).

Pity the poor punter who attempts to slip the NGP into the pockets of anything less than the baggiest combat kecks. And then envy them as they whip it out and commence playing games that wouldn’t look out of place on the PlayStation 3.

Take this new ‘Uncharted’ game as demonstrated at Sony’s NGP press event, for instance. The live translation is a touch clunky but does much to explain the various gameplay mechanisms at work – the touchscreen routines are particularly compelling. Meanwhile, the visuals are nothing less than totally spectacular. Moreover, they’re super smooth too. Cast your eyes over the clip below and try telling yourself that you don’t want one:

Sony PSP2 NGP Uncharted (working title) Sony NGP Reveal Trailer

Sony thinks that a simultaneous global launch for the NGP is “unlikely”, which is a bit of a shame. A European debut this side of Xmas ’11 is still on the cards, though. So, will you be queuing up when the time comes, or is Nintendo’s multi-dimensional ‘3DS’ more your bag? Has Sony blown it by making NGP too big? Hmmm, tough choice...

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« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 11:01:40 AM by TwisTtheTwiTcH »
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.

Offline Monk3y

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Re: NGP: A monster in your pocket
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2011, 11:11:14 AM »
The NGP is what's gonna get me into portable gaming once again, I've been waiting for Sony to make a PSP that so epic it needs to be bought. I have yet to see a down fail in the console itself.

Offline Kilokk

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Re: NGP: A monster in your pocket
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2011, 04:16:16 PM »
eh i have given up on sony.  2 failed consoles in a row (one a handheld one a home console) kinda makes me want to pretend that this thing will never exist. 

the 3DS on the other hand >.>

Offline grimmjoe

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Re: NGP: A monster in your pocket
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2011, 04:49:39 PM »
i told! this is the Sh*t!!!!


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