Author Topic: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS  (Read 15112 times)

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Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« on: February 01, 2011, 10:22:47 AM »

this is the Entry for Entrant 93760174

Email To Have Updates Posted with the Subject Mod Off Update - (update Number) - 93760174
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 04:12:36 AM by Mactastic Mendez »

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 04:11:37 AM »
I know you have to start with a clean system, due to lack of money, I will be disassembling units and getting all of the bare parts.
To make it fair since I'm starting with a system that is disassembled I will post an update once I have all of the parts and actually start the mod.
It will be a while as I did not prep at all for the mod. I'm moving from Idea to design to final product.
Due to Chinese New Year, I will be in the Idea stage longer than what I would have expected.

(The Motherboard is untested, I will be removing the upper screen from the partial case, that case WILL NOT be in final build)
« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 04:12:50 AM by Mactastic Mendez »

i am not responsible for what i do or my advice

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 11:46:10 AM »
I got some of the parts that I have been awaiting:

(These are my special speakers ^_^)

(These are some backups that I will also be testing)

(Here is a part for a mod that I have wanted to incorporate into a mod for quite some time, You'll see more as time goes on.)

I am not starting this mod-off with any sort of plan, since my case will not be in for quite some time, I will have many thoughts that I would like to try. There is one thing that I wanted to do for some time, here is the start of that part of the Mod:

(Here I am cutting away the protective shell as it will not fit in the case with the stock size of this part)

(Far shot with clear Unique ID)

(This is the part with all of the casing removed, Of course I will be de-soldering the wires and adding my own. Ill also need to apply some protection to the board and transformer due to the place that I am locating it.)

Thanks for looking.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2011, 11:15:07 PM »
Here is a Design Update, still subject to change. Cant really combine my number any other way than how I did it. Still in design stages due to lack of materials (mainly the stupid case).

All Images are linked to LARGER IMAGES just click them.

*as a special gift, I am including a schematic that is written with Dia - Check out Dia Here:

Download the schematic here: DOWNLOAD
Code: [Select]
p: 93760174
I grant members of AcidMods the use of this diagram, if you use it please reference back to

Thank you for looking!
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 11:32:50 PM by 93760174 »

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2011, 02:19:26 PM »
Today, since I don't have much time to work on stuff, I will give a short update.
Case is still not in yet. Decided to work on "inner glow" buttons.

Here is how I do them (quazi-tutorial) - I didn't have a chance to finish them, need to get some time where I can work on them.

Here are the buttons, and the main tool that I will be using to get the look that I am going for:

The drill is small, about 0.5mm and is man powered so that I can get the precision and control that I need.

Here is the "Y" button being drilled:

This picture is to show you kinda what the result will be, when I took this picture I noticed that the left arm of the "Y" is a little bit off, that can be fixed during the final cuts. I also noticed that I didn't gut out the button.

Here is the button gutted: (I use a Dremel for this)

Here is the semi-final look (I cut my finger while working on this so I decided to go to sleep and start up today again so that I don't injure myself any worse.)

Next Steps: Filling the letter with clear epoxy, let it cure, sand it smooth

Complete steps for each button.

"A" and "B" buttons are slightly different.
I will show you those in an update as well, there are a few extra steps that are very important to get them to work properly.

As usual, Thank you for looking.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 07:40:52 PM »
wow i love it dude!!!!!! those buttons are gonna look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good work  :hifive:

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 08:53:15 PM »
Ok, so I still have not got my case... it is being "packaged" so I'll be working on whatever it is a can in the mean time.

wow i love it dude!!!!!! those buttons are gonna look amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good work  :hifive:

Thanks, It is a ton of work, but you get a look that is unique.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 08:54:56 PM by 93760174 »

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2011, 04:48:50 PM »

and.. still... i wait...

Ill work some more on the small things today, like others in the mod-off I am being overloaded with school and work, those extra 3 days will be used to the fullest on my project!
« Last Edit: February 27, 2011, 04:50:48 PM by 93760174 »

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2011, 07:46:22 PM »
Update with new site!!!!!!

So I heard the mailman, I was getting use to seeing him with JUNK, however today when he reached into his bag of bills and advertisements he pulled out the holy grail. A tear came to my eye, and an angel got its wings.

Remember - Click images for a larger image!

Here are the cases and top screen (just in case) I'm not sure what case I'm going to use, In the past i have got an actual translucent white case and it was not as clear as this one, so I think I will use the clear one. I'm going to piece some stuff together and see how it looks. I already have ideas for the next mod-off and the case that I don't use will probably go to that.

Just another picture to show that my order FINALLY came...

I will be working on this a tiny bit tonight, only about 40min before I have prior arrangements. Good thing this mod-off has plenty of time for casual modders like myself.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 12:14:44 PM »
Weekly update, I have been a bum, working on other projects that bring $$$ instead of spend it!

More to come...

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Update #5 - 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2011, 10:23:15 PM »

Update #5 - Glimpse into next week
This is mainly some small detail work on the case. I currently am unable to solder due to some issues that came up. I have pieced together everything as a sort of mental test to me, The issues that came up based on my current build are:

1) Hall effect sensor (sleep mode)
2) Soldering Iron Issues
3) Time

I will work on these issues and update as they are complete. I have some video's however I am unable to edit them at this time. I will post them as soon as i have time to edit them.

I changed the way that I label the pictures, I also changed the quality and size. As usual if you click on the image, it will load a larger image.

This is an image which corresponds to the tab numbers of the GBA slot (at this point it is for reference only)

This is an image of the rumble pack that I will be incorporating into the shell of either the green translucent GBA plug, or into the case itself (depending on the black resin)

This is the Rumble Pack disassembled.

I cut this access hole in order to provide the ability to have a switch without it interfering with the overall "look" of the NDSL

Based on the wiring, I need to provide a channel in which the wire can cross the battery with least interference to the buttons and shell.

I place scotch tape over the sides of the line prior to dremeling out the channel, this is to increase freehand accuracy and prevent any damage to the surrounding plastic (scratches, dings, dremel cuts - this works for only certain dremel attachments, I am using low speed with a very shallow bit, if the dremel is to catch on something weird the tape is thick enough to prevent the dremel from creating tracks on the plastic)

As always, I thank you for your time, and appreciate your support.

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Update #6 - Forgot to Post!!!
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2011, 03:51:09 PM »
Update #6 - Parts & More & Information

Since it is nearing the time for completion, I am in need of working more on this mod due to what i have planned... That being said, I will now post information as to what exactly I am doing and why I really need to kick it up a notch.

          ~ Nullified NDS Lite ~
  • Full Shell Replacement (Translucent Green)
  • Internal EL Wire with sound activation/constant on
  • Speaker replacement
  • Internal Vibration while having the GBA slot free
  • Internal Flash Cart, Leaving the NDS cart slot free (Slot 1)
  • All LED Swap
  • Inner Glow buttons
  • Special On/Off Switch
  • Ability to connect an external controller via micro USB-8 plugs
  • High quality Modification without taking shortcuts!!!

I had done some work and forgot to post about it.. I uploaded the pics and everything, just been working on school so it isn't a big update.

This is one of the USB-8 plugs that I will be using.

I'm not sure how other people trace onto their cases, but this is usually how I do it, it all depends on how/what I need to do. For AcidMods, I will be doing it this way. (wish I had a vinyl plotter like some other people :drool:) - I write on the face of the piece with dry-erase marker (or wet-erase, depending on the situation).

I then place the area that I marked down on tape (this time I am using PT-14 Painters Tape) This causes the dry-erase marker to transfer to the tape.

After transferring the marker to the tape, I then cut out the tape with an X-ACTO knife. I was running short on time so I just stuck the tape onto the NDS Shell and put the protective tape back over the NDS. I will need to re-align the tape as it appears to not be level.

As a note, the list of things that I want to do, may not be possible by completion, I will make it work. I am going to tear apart the garage to try to find the flex pcb that I have (which would allow me to make the flash cart internal)

I'll keep you all updated with progress. I may be posting LARGER updates, I will do my best to document everything, I'll probably end up recording some so that I don't have to stop and take pictures.

Also note that I have ran into some issues, however I believe that the solution that I have will be most worth while.

I thank you for your time,

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #12 on: March 18, 2011, 08:30:49 PM »
Hey you're really putting some quality time into this mod. I see that its well put together and thought out.

I really gotta see this EL-wire and external controller.  :drunk: :drunk: :drunk: :drunk:

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #13 on: March 19, 2011, 12:55:55 AM »
 :dribble: wow that looks like its going great and sounds like its going to look even better! i hope you get the internal flash cart and el wire working, that would be AWESOME.

now i get what the inverter was for :P
My systems:  -PSP 2001, CFW and PSP 3000 shell.  -PSP 1001, LED mods, custom firmware, speaker mods, sound reactive LEDs.  -Black NDSL, LED mod, 0.5x and 2x speed mod. 

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #14 on: March 28, 2011, 09:54:28 PM »
I seem to have misplaced some pictures..... will find them and upload once I have them.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2011, 11:46:40 PM »
Update #7 - Flash Mod/Damage????/Etc

There is much that I need to accomplish in the next week. I will be working overtime on this in order to get it done. I ran into another hinderance recently. This is what I get for trying to hurry. Below is the pictures that I misplaced. I accidentally mixed them with other pictures so they got uploaded in an odd manor.

These images are for later, this is the before of the speaker cages.
Left Speaker CageRight Speaker Cage

Here is what the layout will be for the speaker and flash cart. They will overlap each other in order to fit properly.

This shows exactly how thin the speaker is. It will fit nice in the airspace that the chip will offer.

Update to the "Inner Glow Buttons" - I Had to repair the "B" button as I improperly mixed the Epoxy. Too much hardener = Sticky Button

Here is what the flash cart looked like before I Modified it. (The clear glossy tape is so that I dont over Dremel it. When the tape gets hit by the Dremel it makes a clattering noise.)

Amidst the Dremeling I switch to files so that I can give it a better finished look.

My goal was to make it look like it was designed to be this small. I think it came out descent.

Ok, so i heated the epoxy to ~650f and removed it. It took off a TINY piece of something, however I dont see how what it took off could effect the operation of the rumble pack as the traces dont look touched at all. If you examine them closely, youll also notice that they dont connect... I dont see how it would work without the piece that came off. I effectively lost the piece as well. I will be hunting in my local area for another rumble to disassemble. If I cant find one, I'll use an LM386 and the rumble motor from the damaged chip, or from an old pager I have laying around.

Closeup of the damage. (I havnt tested it yet)

I gotta go to sleep for work tomorrow. Ill post a pic of the back of the flash cart to show how close it is to the trace.

Thank You,

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2011, 05:44:09 AM »

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2011, 11:56:33 AM »
thought this might help you out

+1 for the information. I didn't even think to look for anything about it. I was originally going to do a sound activated rumble, then noticed that I had ordered a rumble pack. I have not decided which way I will do it.

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2011, 07:47:32 PM »
What the heck is this thing thats drilled out?

Is that supposed to be the chip?

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2011, 08:06:29 PM »
What the heck is this thing thats drilled out?

Is that supposed to be the chip?

Yeah, so there was epoxy covering all the traces. I know that it is a simple design so I thought that there may be a chip under the epoxy. Did not find a chip, the epoxy came off in mostly 1 piece and had a TINY piece of what looked like a silicon chip on it (about 1.5mm by 2mm) but i lost the piece of junk...

Anyhow.. more updates tomorrow??? I forgot my camera today, started soldering wires to the flash cart.

I'm really aiming to finish this, although looking at the other mods I am far behind... 4 days left and I work full time and go to school so It will be tight.

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Update #8 - Nearing Completion (LOTS TO DO STILL)
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2011, 09:20:34 AM »
Update #8 - Sleep-Mode & Soldering

Here is my testing of the hall-effect sensor that puts the NDS to sleep mode. I will be manually putting the ds into sleep mode so that I can use it as a Media DS. (Also because the speakers that i will be using do not have magnets in them as they are piezo elements.)

Image of the hall-effect sensor removed.

The removed hall-effect sensor.

So, I need a place to put the sleep switch. Ive used this area in the past for placing other switches, but my new switches seem to fit perfectly. I will use the groove that I notched out earlier in order to run the wires.

Here is an image of the switch, fitted into the shell. Some minor touch-ups and its good to go.

A side view showing that the case is still within the original dimensions.

Here I have soldered up the flash cart (did not cleaned the rosin off yet)

I realized that once I soldered the wires for the flash cart that I would need a ton more space for all of the wires. I had to modify the case drastically in order to get this all to fix properly. At this point I am wishing that I had used a non-translucent housing. I don't have time to properly heat the plastic to remove any imperfections.

This is how I solder pins when they are very close. I slide a piece of painters tape that I have removed the tac from in between the pin that I am going to solder and one that I have already soldered. This gives me the ability to apply some force to the wire without causing it to bridge connections. It also prevents overheating/de-soldering the previous pin and helps compensate for hand jitter. (Remember that there are 8 connections within ~4mm)

Here is a wire right after I soldered it using this method. I then pull out the tape and move it toward myself 1 pin.

Of course you need to test connections when you finish soldering...

And I decided to make another.

** Some things you will notice

The red wire plug is missing 3 wires. - This is due to these being prototype samples that I received years ago. Some of them were damaged due to falling out of the tape that they were in. I have since moved them to a better storing area. I used one that was missing 3? pins as I don't need all of those connections for this project. Each plug is capable of handling 9 different channels. 8 inner+ground. the outer casing on these is actually part of the plug as I believe they are going to be used for some type of shielded project. (or what they were manufactured for)

This mod can be done by using regular mini USB plugs.

I have got a new table to work on. After the mod is over I will be modding my work area.

Time is limited and I'm giving an update...
I will be in MAJOR CRUNCH TIME...

People keep posting that there isn't much time left, and they hope that everyone finishes their mods.


Back to work my friends!

Thank You,

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2011, 07:26:24 PM »
this is going to come down to the line.... i have a ton of plastic work that i am doing right now.... also having issues with soo many wires... will update as soon as top is together...

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2011, 08:13:06 PM »
dremel died... cant find charger..

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2011, 10:31:42 PM »

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Re: Mod Off Entry 93760174 - Nintendo DS
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2011, 01:07:04 AM »
FAIL (less Robin gives 3 or so more days - school/work)

Well, i was unable to finish in time, dont know when Robin will close down posting... but i wanted to post this for ya'll

I will be finishing this mod...

Ignore my blabber in the video, just watch and enjoy.


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