Author Topic: 3). Essential Kinds of Parts  (Read 2912 times)

Offline FOOKz™

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3). Essential Kinds of Parts
« on: February 15, 2011, 08:13:06 PM »


A resistor is a voltage divider or it can be a current divider depending what configuration they are connected. Resistors can be hooked up in series or parallel configurations. Resistors have color bands to indicate it's value. These devices can be found in several kinds of packaging like wire-wound, carbon-film, and surface mount.

A capacitor is an odd component it has similar characteristics like a resistor but it has the capability to block DC and pass AC currents. Capacitors could also be thought as mini batteries because they can store a DC charge like a battery. Capacitors can be hooked up in series or parallel configurations. Some capacitors can have a number on it to indicate it's value. A capacitor is a non-linear device. These devices can be found in several kinds of packaging like electrolytic, ceramic, tantalum, and surface mount.


An inductor is also an odd component too. It has similar characteristics like a resistor however its nearly the complete opposite of a capacitor because it blocks AC and passes DC currents. Inductors have the capability to store a charge for a split second in an electro-magnetic field. An inductor is a non-linear device. Inductors can be hooked up in series or parallel configurations.

Diodes are electronic's one-way-pipe. Current can pass in only 1 direction (yet there are certain exceptions to this). Diodes have similar properties to a resistor since they both drop voltage. A diode is a non-linear device.


A transistor is similar to a diode and a switch combined together. There are many different flavors of transistors like UJT, BJT, FET, and IGBT. Transistors are used in amplifiers, microchips, computers, TVs, pretty much anything. Transistors will pass AC or DC when turned on the way they're designed. Transistors are used to ether Switch or Amplify signals.

Integrated Circuit:

Integrated circuits commonly known as ICs. They are a silicon package with pins or leads sticking from the package which connect internal circuitry with external circuits. The package contains a silicon wafer internally which thousands or even up to billions of sub-components like resistors, diodes, capacitors, transistors are put on a fingernail sized piece. ICs are common and inexpensive.

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« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 01:04:26 AM by FOOKz »

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