Currently I'm /attempting/ to repair a shoddy analog stick in a PSP I picked up for 30 bucks. Well, after opening it, I found the stupidest spring I've ever seen, and now I'm trying to find out how to reassemble the sticks innards properly.
My Google-Fu must be weak today, because all I can find is one video where it's not explained well enough, and lots of threads telling people to Google it. >_<
Post Merge: February 17, 2011, 08:16:17 PM
So, I'm an idiot.
I assumed the rails were internal, when they're not. The two black pieces house ONLY the spring, the rails go behind/underneath it.
Post Merge: February 18, 2011, 12:18:21 AM
Wow, so.
Reassembly is easy enough with the one exception being the spring.
Turns out, the stick works fine ingame, but won't work in ingame menus or in the CMB menu. I thought it was an analog stick issue, but it seems to be a deeper problem...
I'm just going to CFW it and see if that continues to be an issue, JoySens might be enough to get it going!