Author Topic: PlayStation 3 shipments to Europe now being seized after LG wins injunction  (Read 2050 times)

Offline toadzilla

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[spoiler]taken from kotaku[/spoiler]
Tens of thousands of PS3s were seized by customs officers last week in the Netherlands as part of an ongoing contentious court battle between LG and Sony, the Guardian reports.

A ruling by the civil court of justice in the Hague surrounding patents related to the playback of Blu-Ray discs means that all new PS3s have to be confiscated as they arrive in Europe for at least the next ten days, according to the report.

The Guardian reports that Sony usually has two to three weeks' worth of the consoles in stock across the continent, so the impact of the seizures may not be felt until next month.

Both companies have the right to dispute the ruling. LG could ask for the seizures to be extended while Sony could ask for the ban to be lifted.

If Sony is found to have infringed on LG's patents, it could cost the company hundreds of millions in compensation.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2011, 03:53:43 PM by toadzilla »

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lol so sony is stealing from lg and sueing geohot ROFLCOPTER

Offline cyberboy109

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on other forums there is talk of disabling the blueray player.....imagine if they did we wouldnt be able to play any of our games, also lg want money for every ps3 that has been sold from launch again could we see the end of the ps3....i hope not ps3 is my baby i dont want a xbox 360

Offline Kilokk

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lol does this mean that sony's video game department will FINALLY roll over and die? 

Offline jrfhoutx

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I think it's slightly amusing that both LG and Sony are on the BRDA board of directors... and seriously the PS3 has been out for how long and they're just now getting around to suing for this?
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 10:19:47 AM by jrfhoutx »
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