Author Topic: The Viking Macro Controller  (Read 6508 times)

Offline Modded Matt

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The Viking Macro Controller
« on: March 02, 2011, 12:01:40 PM »
The Viking 360 macro controller
By: Modded Matt

The Viking macro controller, not to be confused with the original Viking mod chip, is so much more than rapid fire. There is not another controller on the market which will even come close to the Macro controllers features.  The macro controller has capabilities to rapid fire any button on the controller, it also has the capabilities to execute macros at the touch of a button (maros are combinations of buttons)  This controller will even allow the user to record button presses in real time and play them back with the press of a single button. This makes those hard combos or trick shots a breeze. Although slightly pricy, the functionality over bares the cost very quickly, as most of the features are exclusive to the Viking macro controller and just cant be found on the cheaper rapid fire controllers on the market. Try to find a controller that will do auto hold sniper breath, drop shot, akimbo, jitter, and rapid fire on one controller, hey that’s just mode #1. The list goes on and on. Please check out the website for more details on the functions of the controller

The Viking Macro controller is currently only sold as a new official Microsoft wireless modded controller. This removes any question of the durability and ergonomics of the controller most games have grown to love. Every Macro controller is built around the newest CG2 revision of the controller. The mod chip itself is installed in such a professional manner you would think it came directly from the Microsoft factory. The mod chip is a two part design, consisting of a main ‘clip’ style socket, and a flex pcb for the ring of light. The chip is programmed through play and charge cable without loss of play and charge functionality.

Clip design:
The clip socket has a plethora of components onboard to handle the functions of the mod, and clips over the main IC of the CG2 controller. The unit utilizes the PIC 24FJ256 to handle the high demand of processing power at low energy consumption. Below is a pic of the main socket of the chip for your viewing pleasure.

Ring of light technology:
The ring of light flex pcb requires removal of the stock leds and replaces them with 8 tri colored leds capable of producing 16 colors. The ring of light can be assigned a macro to display a light show, blink different colors when the mod is active. Every aspect of this controller is user programmable through the timeline editing software. A pic of the flex pcb has been attached for your viewing pleasure.

Time line software:
The timeline editor software allows timing of button presses down to a hundredth of a second for accuracy. Macros can be written from the editor and uploaded to the controller via play and charge. Single button macros as well as complete macro sets can be downloaded from the vast and constantly growing macro library. Users can upload their own macros for other Viking users to share. Because everything is done through software, and the mod chip is wired into every button the controller is future proof. If Microsoft came up with a way to attempt to block modded controllers, the software can be updated (free for life) and here we go again.

This controller not only gives normal gamers an edge, it also will allow people with disabilities that may limit them from reaching specific buttons the option to reassign that troublesome button to one of the available 6 tact switches. These tact switches may need to be relocated from their original placement,

In closing, I love this controller, and I recommend it to anyone in the market for a high end controller. You will not find a better controller.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 06:43:46 PM by modded matt »


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