Author Topic: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?  (Read 2284 times)

Offline cyberboy109

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hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« on: March 17, 2011, 08:51:41 AM »
I have a question for those who have hacked call of duty or medal of honour, why did you do?
its sooo annoying....dont worry im not gonna judge you and call you this or that  just need to kno it to prove a point that any thing can be hacked? or you only have 1 hand and 1 finger so you can only press 1 button...or is it because your to lazy to rank up the good old fashioned way....or is it because you really bad at games and your fed up when a father lets his 6 year old son play and he kcks your ass?

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 09:03:30 AM »
or is it because your to lazy to rank up the good old fashioned way....or is it because you really bad at games and your fed up when a father lets his 6 year old son play and he kcks your ass?

I don't play, but all my money would be on these two...

However I bet that the majority of responses you receive will say this one:

to prove a point that any thing can be hacked?
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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 09:16:49 AM »
ive not and will not

but a yes on peoples excuse will be to prove a point which we all know its not its just they don't want to work for there stuff these days so they cheat to make them self's look better
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 09:43:59 AM »
tbh i dont mind the real hackers doing there thing, you know the people who do it just to see if they can, its the little :censored:s who then find this info on the internet who themselves have no knowledge of hacking but use other peoples work just to ruin the game for people like me.

Offline 802Chives

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2011, 10:34:38 AM »
points points points...  I am a pretty avid free for alll player, and several times since blackops came out I have fluctuated from 500th in the world to 1000th.  Basically everytime they go through and reset cheater scores my truer ranking (~500) shows, and after a month it will float up because of cheaters.  Does it piss me off? yes, but I am not sure it is as wide spread as you think. (at least of the real multiplayer platform of Xbox live)  I cannot speak of PS3 or PC, but all I have to say for that is you get what you pay for there.

I dont and wont cheat mostly because I dont see any advantage in it other then score boosting.  I hear a lot of complaining but when it comes down to it I cannot recall ever been beaten by a cheater or running into an individual running any sort of physics enhancements that the whole lobby didnt have.  I take much more enjoyment from proving my point that I am better then the rest, and the reactions are much richer then someone callin you and f'n hacker and backing out.

I get called an aimbot, but truth is I dont believe there is such a thing except of halo mods(even then im not positve).  why am I so sure? because after 50,000 kills minumum in each the past 4 COD games you think I would have noticed at least one.  I believe that modded lobbys for points and other physics based hacks exist, but those affect the entire lobby so still it isnt an individual advantage.

The reason why the complaints are so rampant comes from couple of factors. first the PC and PS3 versions are more sucebtable to hacking, that sucks, get an xbox... the next is the same reason why you hear so much complaining about camping, because if your complaining, you got beat and are not skilled enough to do anything other then complain about it.  "Camper", "hacker",  "aimbot" you dont hear anyone at the top of the list using those terms, because they are terms of frustration.  Basically people cant accept the fact that there is always someone better out there, much better.  I believe hacking has ruined games in the past, but complaining about blops in my experience at this point in time is just complaining.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 10:36:27 AM by 802Chives »

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 11:43:02 AM »
i used to hack the psp medal of honor heroes for :censored:s and giggles, and i used a server admin tool for mw2 on pc to kick hackers. but mostly to kick the entire enemy team, also for :censored:s and giggles.

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2011, 05:38:38 PM »
i enjoy hacking games offline. i love the multiplayer for online games why further ruin something that you enjoy.

some people hack and mod to prove a point to others online to show how boss they think they are.

I cheat when i comes to boosting because it pays for xbox live subscription... go to the store and buy a 1 month card... boost the account sell it for a 3 month or 2 1month cards... that simple.

Now for the people who do all that crazy aimbot stuff... they're just doing it because they think its funny.

occasionally theres that :censored:got cheater who thinks its funny to tamper with the network like a lagswitch or they try to dos which really pisses me off beyond belief since usually my team is beating their sorry ass for the first 5 mintues of the game and wah lah in 1 minute they come back from a score of 15-40 because the whole team is black-screen and can't see/control/talk.

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2011, 06:02:44 PM »
I do more glitching then i would do hacking cause its hilarious.  I have hosted quite a few mw2 lobbies only because little kids are willing to pay $20 to get in one. I havent hosted a lobby in a really long time and i like playing games the legit way. I think modded lobbies are a thing of the past now.

Offline FOOKz™

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2011, 06:18:14 PM »
lol I remember the peak of modded lobbies on MW2 and my friend played MW2 on my account at my house, I told him not to because thats how much I hated the game... the next day I had gotten almost 10 messages from recent players "if you get me in a lobby i'll pay you" etc. boy was I mad.

cyberboy im guessing somebody was in ur game cheating and you got fed up?

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2011, 09:12:17 AM »
aha i know a good way to piss people off on xbl

download modio(a game modding program) then keep spamming it with things like "FREE 10th PRESTIGE LOBBY msg gt: (insert their GT here)" then just sit back and laugh as they get spammed by people messaging them about lobbies they dont know anything about LOL

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #10 on: March 18, 2011, 01:26:38 PM »
The only mod/hack I've used is Rapidfire, which has now been patched and patched again in everything [worth using it in].

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Re: hands up, admit it have you hacked cod or moh?
« Reply #11 on: March 18, 2011, 05:29:43 PM »
i have not but i do enjoy to troll that's why i would do it

"i be trollin"


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