Author Topic: FPS Recommendation  (Read 5639 times)

Offline jrfhoutx

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FPS Recommendation
« on: March 17, 2011, 11:52:55 AM »
OK so I don't play many FPS games, the last 'FPS' I bought was L4D2, and I don't play online much, but I have a ton of time now and I hate wasting money on a XBL subscription that doesn't get used much. Some days I need to take a break from modding and I'm getting a little bored with the 360 games I have and would like to start playing online more than I do, so I'm looking to buy a new game (I'm only buying one as cash is tight when you're unemployed) and I figured this is the place to ask about FPS games... I hear plenty of argument over which game is the best, which is better than which, etc., etc....

So, which game do you recommend and WHY?

please don't turn this into an argument or I'll just delete your post...
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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2011, 12:14:02 PM »
hmmm for online play. i'd reccomend halo reach as its a recent game... its not cod.... and its fun.... people dont camp ( well not as much as other games). there no rapid fire  :censored:'s on it.... the game play is smooth... my preffered play lists on it are swat and big team battle

swat = no shields so head shots rule.... 2 teams of 4 in medium and small maps, result in fast action packed games...

btb= 2 teams of 8 on big maps, vehicles, snipers, and plenty of kills....

i am a bit of a halo fan boy.. i love the series and reach is different in alot of ways to the older halo games but its still good old halo :)

if you want a cheap/older game and if not that and if you can put up with the lag and waiting forever for a match gears of war 2.....

when u do finally get a good game nothing beats it... bullets flying everywhere blood splatts over ur screen, pure adrenalin gaming :)
i've had matches on gears that have lasted hours (only on certain playlists, like koth and submission) u need proper team players with u.

and if you want something more realistic battlefield bc2 hands down one of the best fps games ever...... huge maps.... realistic kill/death system, guns and gameplay....

they'd be my choices for fps's i have played both reach and gears to death and still love them both as much as i did when i first played them
 but bf bc2 i've not played as much but still i think its one of the best fps's out there. (beats all of the cod games hands down in my view)

also, even though i've not played it personly, but it has bin reccomended to me by a few mates, bulletstorm.....

and it comes with access to the gears of war 3 beta :) if i was in the uk still i'd buy it just for the beta of gears 3... but thats cos as well as being a halo fanboy im a bit of a gears fan boy....

mainly cos both of those game. im pretty good at.... managed to get in the top 50 players for submission playlist on gears 2 in december 09.... considering it had over 40,000 players that month... thats not to bad ay....

never really checked my ranking on halo 3/ reach but with a kill/death ratio of over 2... on both of them... i guess im pretty good lol
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 12:28:31 PM by spurgurgle »

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2011, 05:34:13 PM »
thanks spurg this is exactly the kind of recommendation I was looking for. I played a demo of BFBC2 and enjoyed it, so that's probably top on my list and after that would be Halo:Reach.

Unless I get some different recommendations I'll probably pick up one of those two... maybe both now that I'm looking at prices on ebay...
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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2011, 06:09:46 PM »
Get halo reach.

It's fun, it's crazy, quite a new game, soon Bungie is going to upgrade the ranking system to the old Halo 3's Tru-Skill system (get your 50) also they said boosting and cheating is fixed.

Heres the playlists that i like ordered from best to worst in my opinion:
- Team Slayer (mostly 4v4 plain slayer)
- Team Objective (mostly 4v4 Capture the flag, oddball, Territories...)
- Team Doubles (2v2 plain slayer, sometimes you get objective-games too)
- MLG (major league gaming, 4v4, mixed with slayer and objective games)
- Team Swat (like spurg said its all headshots, mostly 4v4 and theres still a lot of campers)
- Invasion (not sure exactly but i think its 6v6 and you have to capture the enemies base by doing objectives) 
- Rumble Pit (random free for all mix of slayer and objective... people use this to boost/cheat :) )
- Team Snipers (just like team slayer but theres no other weapons on map except you start with a sniper rife with infinite ammo)

There is not much trash talk in team slayer or objective. Theres a lot in MLG and team snipers. lol

battelefield bc i disagree because i've heard the same story from different people. When it comes down to it... play against the wrong people and you're done, the game isn't fun because some people know exactly everything about the maps and they can spawnkill you all the time with the sniper.

GOW i have no opinion on it because i never played it nor have i played a game like it. just a different style on its own.

dont get cod. dont get cod. dont get cod. dont get cod. dont get cod. dont get cod. dont get cod.  :beg:

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2011, 01:42:08 PM »
Buy a new copy of CoD4, and join in the revolution of CoD Fridays.

Why? Because the new CoD's suck, and 4 was just a legendary game.

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2011, 04:24:46 PM »
New games worth considering:
Operation flashpoint - Red River, drops next month. Looks like that will be a bunch of fun if you enjoy a simulator.
Also Crysis 2 comes out in a few days, I played the demo for that and it had pretty badass multi-player.

Reach- Has something for everyone multiplayer wise, as mentioned below there is swat if you are used to reflex shooters and struggle with shields in halo. Plus now griffball is a permanent play-list, so that's always a bunch of fun.
Downsides: Already 2 map packs at 800 each, you need these to get some achievements. All the original maps besides the beta included ones are average.

BFBC2- If you are in the US then the multi-player will be fine, since you guys have all the servers. Even if you are not the best aim, you can still have fun helping team mates.
Downsides: Movement wise the multi-player is a little glitchy, for instance running up a moderate slope may bounce your character around the screen. Also there is a slight control lag. Shotguns have infinite range, as long as the enemy is center cross-hair you can hit them from any distance.

And while everyone is saying don't get cod, well you can actually have alot of fun as long as you don't get too confident and competitive.
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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2011, 07:27:51 PM »
£7.50, get operation flashpoint dragon rising, the most amount of fun i have had in a game, 2 map packs that cost 400 MS points each, h=ours of fun if you have a mic

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2011, 11:50:39 AM »

and you have to have the ORANGE BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Battlefield games are bargain bin compared to COD...  Halo is a must have as well.

Offline jrfhoutx

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2011, 12:32:32 PM »
OK so after your awesome recommendations and pricing games (and I think I can afford all 3, or at least 2/3) I'm looking at Halo Reach, BFBC2, and COD (sorry FOOKz)...

now my question is when you guys say COD4 are you talking COD:MW, or COD:MW2?
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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2011, 12:42:39 PM »
cod4 is the greatest game ever made, it revolutionized fps. it still has plenty of players even though it came out like 2007?

halo 1 was a good game and the rest of the series was fun to play coop through the story, but i personally hated the multiplayer, there are far more screamers in halo, and the bungee jump pisses me off.

bfbc2 was a fun single player and its always fun fly a copper with your teammates on the gunner seat. it does at times have lag issues. but is alot of fun fr an all around multiplayer experience.

operation flashpoint in my opinion, sucked very bad, if you crawl around the map half an hour hiding the whole time its good, but if you want any kind of action you have to run 600 miles, then take one bullet and you get to run another 600 miles,  everyone on my friends list  got this game and then dropped it a week later. and I havent seen anyone on my list (Ghost included) play it in a long time. I strongly advise not getting this game unless its dirt cheap ie FREE

If you liked LFD2 you willl love the zombies games of cod black ops. the multiplayer is mediocre at best. but the gun games give promise.

crisis2 looks interesting (havent played)

there is a new online live poker game i have been playing lately

magic the gathering is also on e arcade

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2011, 12:44:26 PM »
we posted at he same time.

even though I just recommended BFC2...bfbc3 is about to come out soon so you may want to wait

dont buy mw2 dont even take it if its free
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 12:46:49 PM by modded matt »

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2011, 01:03:25 PM »

and you have to have the ORANGE BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Battlefield games are bargain bin compared to COD...  Halo is a must have as well.


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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2011, 02:21:56 PM »
I would get MW2 since its amazing and its 10 dollars cheaper then it used to be(i would know because ive bought 3 of them due to perfect circle). Its basicly just COD 4 with more options to choose from.

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2011, 03:26:00 PM »

that just goes to show that opinions dont mean much

please don't turn this into an argument or I'll just delete your post...

that was a close one its a good thing i read that part.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 03:28:20 PM by modded matt »

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Re: FPS Recommendation
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2011, 07:36:04 AM »
cod4 meaning cod:mw

not mw2 (although on pc i really didn't think it was that bad)

cod4 is hands down the best of the series to date. hours of fun on xbox and pc, still love it to death. frequently i still get a party together to go glitching and play mike myers (with old school mode
and glitching of course) easily the most fun i've gotten out of any console game, but a lot of that has to do with having friends that also enjoy it. see if you can find other people that have it to play with you, private matches will continue being entertaining long after mindless shooting gets boring.

i've also heard very good things about reach, but seeing as i don't own it i can't tell you much.

Crysis 2 (atleast the demo) sucks on both pc and xbox IMO
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 07:37:13 AM by jacobia jacob »


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