Author Topic: Acidmods Arcade Multiplayer Arena  (Read 2426 times)

Offline Modded Matt

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Acidmods Arcade Multiplayer Arena
« on: March 18, 2011, 07:42:43 PM »
How to set up a new match in the Arena

1. navigate to the arcade arena tab

2. click "new match" link

3. In the Name field enter a name for the match, this is so you and the players can tell which match they are playing.

4. Choose the Game mode.
      Normal means everyone plays every round and you get points based on your relative scores in each round (10 for first, 8 for second...) and the one with the most points at the end of all round wins.
      Knockout means the lowest scoring player in each round gets knocked out and the other players continue to the next round.

5. In the players box add the names of any forum members who are required for the match to take place (all these must accept for the match to take place).
      This is done by either typing there full forum nickname and clicking add player or by typing enough of there nick that it comes up in the auto complete and clicking there nickname in the dropdown.
       Successfully added Nicks will appear in a list below the input box (with a little red box after them to remove and incorrect entries)

6. In the Number of players box enter how many players are needed for the match to start. This is the number of invited players (including yourself) plus any additional spaces for people to join via the arena (all places must be filled before the match will start).

7. In the rounds box enter the name enter the names of the games you wish to play one by one in the order you wish to play them (you can play any game in the arcade, as many times as you like in any order). These are entered in the same way as the players by either typing the full name in then clicking add game or typing enough in for it to appear in the auto complete and clicking on it. Successfully added rounds will appear in a list below this box.

8. Once you are happy with all the details of the match click continue. This will send invites to the players you have chosen and publish the game on the arena listings.
All players must accept and all additional spaces be filled before round 1 will start.
All players must have completed round 1 before round 2 will start and so on.
When everyone has completed a round the scores for that round are available to be viewed.

« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 07:43:37 PM by modded matt »


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