Author Topic: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3  (Read 17760 times)

Offline Rodent

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IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« on: March 23, 2011, 05:44:44 PM »
I have a ps3  and the fan moves ever so slow and its like haveing a built in heater in the house> I am suprised it doesnt melt the case. I know you can change the speed on a  360 more voltage more speed, but hard to check it when you have to have the thing almost together so you can even run the ps3.

Has anyone ever tried this?   :censored: snail moves faster then this thing does,.
 thanks guys if you can answer this.

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Offline 1TONpete

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 06:09:54 PM »
fat or slim? I am going to assume slim since they are usually the "quite ones".
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 06:12:04 PM by denali31004 »

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 06:23:23 PM »
i dontknow anything about the ps2, but the fan should be controlled by a thermal sensor, meaning as the ps3 getts hot the fan should spin faster to cool it down, no heat=no fan. but if its as hot as yu say it is, sounds like you have a fan problem and I would suggest replacing it

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2011, 06:24:48 PM »
Im not exactly sure what the specs are on a ps3 fan but you should be able to take a dmm and find a 12v source. Once you find a 12v source just solder your fan + to it and the other to ground. I know the ps3 fat has a monster fan inside so it would probably sound like a jet taking off.

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2011, 06:46:49 PM »
fat or slim? I am going to assume slim since they are usually the "quite ones".

PS3 Fat  :censored: It had a YLOD, got it fixed then it worked for about a day or so, had some video problems , so reflowed it with flux and all, Yet like I said the fan speed I think i could  blow on it and make it spin faster, or move more air.

Thanks guys I have tried alot of different things and if I leave it on  , its fine just gets really Hot. and then if I turn it off in the back say 5 minutes or so, video acts up and takes a few tries to get the video to show, tried alot of things. thought maybe if I kept it cooler it wouldnt have a problem anymore.

Yet they say that only3% of the PS3's are fixable. so for 2 days now I thought it was fine.

Thanks will check in to it maybe I can put a varible resistor on it and adjust it to where I want to . good idea or not?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 06:48:02 PM by Rodent »

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 06:50:43 PM »
Im not exactly sure what the specs are on a ps3 fan but you should be able to take a dmm and find a 12v source. Once you find a 12v source just solder your fan + to it and the other to ground. I know the ps3 fat has a monster fan inside so it would probably sound like a jet taking off.

YEA THINK IT WOULD ,But not this one, takes off like its underpowered, its a 40gb and you can do a fan test by turning the power on and pressing the eject button then it sounds like a jet , but normal start up thing takes off like slower then a snail out for a sunday stroll

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 07:22:10 PM »
I have my friends ps3 sitting here that needs to be reflowed and ill do the 12v fan mod on it and let you guys know if it works and how loud it is.

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2011, 07:27:34 PM »
I have my friends ps3 sitting here that needs to be reflowed and ill do the 12v fan mod on it and let you guys know if it works and how loud it is.

Thanks, let me know, its a pain to work on .compared to a xbox 360

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Offline 1TONpete

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2011, 07:41:33 PM »
I would test a different fan. Then if it still doesn't wind out then you might want to try a 12v fan mod. I wouldn't make it adjustable tho. You might forget to turn your fan back up . Since it does wind up when you press eject , I am thinking its not your fan but the controller. So a fan mod would be the way to go. Stay away from a fanmate. the ps3 fans are different then pc/xbox. I'll get back to you on 12v power.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 07:46:50 PM by denali31004 »

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2011, 07:44:47 PM »
I think i found a solution. It came from another forum. I do not take credit for or put my word on it.
but here goes
"The PS3 fans run on a PWM system. They run at 12V all the time, but the 3rd fan wire sends a small voltage to the fan that actually controls the speed. You want to cut the 3rd wire from the fan (gray one) and wire it to a power source. If you send it 3.3V, it will run at full speed ahead captain. You can find 3.3V coming off the PS3 power supply. I usually run some resistors inline with it to slow it down some. This is a very low voltage, so 1/4 watt resistors are fine as we're not messing with the 2.5A 12V, only the small voltage that controls the speed. Now for some reason, different PS3's and different fans react differently to different voltages and resistors. I do this fan mod on each PS3 that I fix from the YLOD, but each resistor amount is different for each PS3. I've had to go anywhere from about 30k to 350k to achieve the same result on different PS3's. It works great though and most of the systems that I've done this on, don't come back after a YLOD fix as opposed to the ones that I didn't do the fix on."

Offline Rodent

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Re: IS there anyway to speed up the fan speed on PS3
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2011, 08:44:42 PM »
I think i found a solution. It came from another forum. I do not take credit for or put my word on it.
but here goes
"The PS3 fans run on a PWM system. They run at 12V all the time, but the 3rd fan wire sends a small voltage to the fan that actually controls the speed. You want to cut the 3rd wire from the fan (gray one) and wire it to a power source. If you send it 3.3V, it will run at full speed ahead captain. You can find 3.3V coming off the PS3 power supply. I usually run some resistors inline with it to slow it down some. This is a very low voltage, so 1/4 watt resistors are fine as we're not messing with the 2.5A 12V, only the small voltage that controls the speed. Now for some reason, different PS3's and different fans react differently to different voltages and resistors. I do this fan mod on each PS3 that I fix from the YLOD, but each resistor amount is different for each PS3. I've had to go anywhere from about 30k to 350k to achieve the same result on different PS3's. It works great though and most of the systems that I've done this on, don't come back after a YLOD fix as opposed to the ones that I didn't do the fix on."

Thanks that is some really good info. for future modders and all thanks denali :)

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
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