Author Topic: cheats?  (Read 2098 times)

Offline whitetop

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« on: March 24, 2011, 12:08:12 PM »

As you all may know about the ps3 jailbreaking and people that have a jail broken ps3 uses it to cheat like hell online and game company's trying to stop this online cheating getting worse.

info on a new device that has not long been released for sale has been selling like hot cake's from sale reports
over 50.000 units have been sold and still selling.This device is a copy of the action reply but with the jail break codes on it
for you to use the cheat codes.From what it looks like the ps3 will start getting worse once the makers of this little device get it working on the newest firmware  but for now you are set to a older version but they say it should not take long and once they do this a update will be released for download but do not download it just from anywhere since Sony will be keeping an eye out to try stopping this just download it from there site.

Main functions:

1, support game rom without the genuine blu-ray game CD.
2, support AR cheat function, perfect effects include "infinite energy, the strongest equipment, never game over"
3, 100% upgradeable, Compatible with all PS3 models – Fat and Slim.
4, Onboard SLC NANDFLASH Memory of 128MB.
5, High speed 32 bit CPU processor clocked at 500MHz
6, fully updatable via USB on your Windows PC using a very simple and intuitive process.
7, A microSDHC slot is inbuilt which supports up to 32GB for future expansion.
8, regularly updated to provide our users with the latest features at no extra cost.
9, Simple step-by-step guide available on the site will show you how to use and install CHT dongle and our support team will assist you with any problems you may encounter along the way.
10, Easy-to-use software for backing up, managing, and playing games from external USB Hard Drive or the internal Hard Drive your PS3.
11, Playing games from HDD gives you loads of benefits, including faster loading times and reduced strain on the lens of the Bluray drive of your PS3.

a few FAQ's from a site selling them.

Q: Is CHT dongle easy to install?
A: installs in seconds without the need of opening up your PS3.
Q: How to use CHT dongle?
A: When CHT Dongle working properly, dongle built-in program named "Code Manager" will guide you to start the game.
Q: CHT dongle support upgrades?
A: 100% Upgradeable,Compatible with all PS3 models – Fat and Slim.
Q: What is the warranty?
A: PS3break is sold with 1 year warranty. All our resellers will take care of warranty issues.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 12:31:20 PM by whitetop »
come to the rite place if you kiss admins as they promote you to admin.

Offline Cookie Monster

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Re: cheats?
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 03:22:56 PM »
-.- fml

thanks toad and indy for the sigglys

Offline TwisTtheTwiTcH

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Re: cheats?
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 05:55:26 PM »
It depends, however I might get one --- IF it lets me unlock preorder content. Not to get dlc like maps. I couldn't care less about that. As an example - Fallout New Vegas. I couldn't preorder it from three different stores. As some of you may know, I am an RPGer and I collect RPGs. I also collect items. So having every item in game is important to me. However cheating at a game simply isn't an option for me - simply put games cost a lot of money compared to what they use to cost and they are getting a lot shorter. This is a problem for me, because it becomes very difficult to get your monies worth. Whenever game developers spend more time on the fire effects than they do the story line, it bugs me. So this would be neat for stuff like that, but eh a good game - a truly good game hasn't come out for a long time. So I'll stick to making them as challenging and dragging them out as long as possible. *Is currently playing Chrono Cross... On his PS1*


Offline cyberboy109

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Re: cheats?
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 07:32:35 PM »
Please no more cheaters on cod lol, I still play my ps3....ah wellI guees its got to point now there is no fair gaming like the old days


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