Author Topic: [REQ]PSP 1000 LED and Clear Case mod  (Read 3177 times)

Offline Neku_v15

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[REQ]PSP 1000 LED and Clear Case mod
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:45:25 AM »
I have found a YouTube video that i saw was a cool mod for a psp 1000 at:

I would to see a price on a mod of this kind of mod also including these features:

* Clear Case
* Blue Wifi activated Sound Reactive Trigger mod
* Blue Wifi activated Sound Reactive Speaker Leds
* Blue Wifi activated Sound Reactive UMD door mod Jewel w/4 leds
* Blue Wifi activated Sound Reactive Button lighting
* 4 extra Blue Wifi activated Sound Reactive leds
* All Blue led swap

I unfortanetly can't send my psp 1000 to you at the time though in 3-4 weeks I can send it in to you guys. It would also like to get a roundabout guess on how long it would take to do the mod and send the psp back to me.

Thank You,
James McKay

*EDIT* BTW buttons must be clear also
*EDIT*also would this mod drain batteries quickly?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 09:13:58 AM by Neku_v15 »


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