Author Topic: ElcomSoft To Sell iPhone Decryption Tools  (Read 2370 times)

Offline Crumbz

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ElcomSoft To Sell iPhone Decryption Tools
« on: May 25, 2011, 09:45:20 AM »
The Russian computer forensics company (ElcomSoft) has developed a toolkit that can help law enforcement agencies access encrypted file systems on the Apple iPhone.

It had been recently discovered that Apple iPhone's were actively tracking peoples locations, and was storing the information in an unencrypted file on the system. Of course Apple denied this claim saying "Apple is not tracking the location of your iPhone, and has never had any plans to do so." then proceeded to call it a "bug" in the system. Also the Windows 7 phones and Android phone's have been reported to track amounts of location information.
Apple then released iOS 4.3.3 to remove the location tracking feature.

This is a downside to law enforcement agency's because they had been using the same tracking feature to help in the investigation of criminal offenses. So to help with this ElcomSoft has produced a program that can be used to gain full access into the encrypted files on Apple's iOS 4 firmwares.

The tool itself is used to extract the encryption key's on the iPhone, and then allow law enforcement agencies to use the key's to gain access to the encrypted files that can be found on the iOS firmware dump's.

This being a VERY sensitive program to begin with, ElcomSoft has said that it will only be selling it to law enforcement agencies, forensic organizations and select government agencies.

But this brings the question to mind of how long will it be until this program gets leaked onto the internet?

- CreativeMindMedias

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Re: ElcomSoft To Sell iPhone Decryption Tools
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 12:44:36 PM »
cool i like the idea of this so long as it is in the right hands

Offline Crumbz

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Re: ElcomSoft To Sell iPhone Decryption Tools
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 09:19:07 PM »
yeah thats for sure.

Minecraft Server (Online)
Name: Asagia Realm's


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