Author Topic: "The mini" w built in mini touch screen mp3 player and sound reactive LED's  (Read 9240 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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I am very early in dev so everything is subject to change. But here's the story . I was out shopping with the family , and I stopped into an office supply store to get stick on clear printable vinyl. My son grabs this thing out of the 1$ bin and I was like I need 1 of them. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but , I need that. and for a buck at least I got some buttons.

My first thought was xbox but xbox boards are huge compared to ps3 boards. Remember mp3 controller.. oh yeah. At the very least I will turn it into an emulator controller. But what I would like to see is dual psp nubs at the bottom or dual track ball things...

And throw one of these in the middle.. omg...

maybe even show off some of the stuff i can do with a 5 way micro switch.  I checked I got 3 different options of boards laying around that will fit. Granted most are taken for other projects . But I only have 1 wireless available and that would be real sweet.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 07:42:30 PM by denali31004 »

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Re: "The mini"
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2011, 09:16:39 PM »

I am very early in dev so everything is subject to change. But here's the story . I was out shopping with the family , and I stopped into an[spoiler] office supply store being staples:P[/spoiler] to get stick on clear printable vinyl. My son grabs this thing out of the 1$ bin and I was like I need 1 of them. I don't know what I'm going to do yet but , I need that. and for a buck at least I got some buttons.] being staples:P

Offline Rodent

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Re: "The mini"
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2011, 06:10:12 AM »
This is really cool, also I think this would help with your disable project, being its smaller and more useful. And for a buck you couldnt go wrong. I think i could come up with some cool ideas for this as you have for yourself, keep us posted this could turn out something really good for alot of people

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Offline 1TONpete

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Re: "The mini"
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2011, 07:11:49 AM »
Thanks Rodent. Im digging through my psp mod parts box.. been a while. I got 2 cell phone vibs in here and a psp fat nub apart for dual nub mod, razor x. I don't think all the nub parts are there? I'd have to put resistors on the rumble for these lil motors I'm thinking. It would be true dual too as they are different size motors w different size weights.
Pins for fat nub go 1= X , 2 = VCC , 3 = Y , 4 = ground.
side thought ... If track ball works.. might prove to add touch pad. The pins for track ball are VCC , ground , x+ ,x- ,y+ , y-
Ps3 halls have vcc , ground , x+ ,x- ,y+ , y- 
The touch screen over lay I have has no vcc pins or ground but has x+ , x- , y+ , y-.
If touch pad works maybe there is a way to mod to left stick and the mp3 players touch pad and use the x,y resistance to drive left stick.  Just a thought. I have researched touch screen stuff a lot with my work on psp touch. So I know its possible.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 10:41:05 AM by denali31004 »

Offline 1TONpete

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Re: "The mini"
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2011, 07:53:26 PM »
I went shopping today and threw some stuff together when I got home. I doubled the controller up. This served 3 purposes , 1 to allow room for full size analogs , 2 It let the mp3 player to go in , 3 it gave me 2 sets of triggers instead of 1. I added buttons for /\ , sel , start and home. I am going to be filling the gap between the 2 w clear silicone. Then I will light up the sides. might even go sound reactive... Next gotta look through and find an amp and some lil speakers. I think I may have something for this laying around.

The back side. these buttons will be for L3/R3
« Last Edit: July 03, 2011, 07:59:52 PM by denali31004 »

Offline Rodent

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Re: "The mini"
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2011, 07:55:55 PM »

   :hifive:                 Looking really good,  seem to fit good inside the mini controller good job denali  :tup:

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Offline 1TONpete

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Re: "The mini"
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2011, 11:54:00 AM »
Wired up a mono amp... I know I have a tda chip somewhere but oh well. I played with the led to find one with the proper v for sound reactive. The power for everything is running off the pS3 controller battery. I tried hooking either the mp3 player or the amp to the VCC on the ps3 controller but it did not supply enough power. I need it to be louder and stereo would be nice. The amp says it needs 5v I only got 3.5+ powering it now. I tried the 5v point on the usb , but it didn't make it louder so I stayed w the 3v. So here's a lil demo of everything hooked up and a lil jimi playing. There will be 2 switches One to turn on mp3 player and one to turn on/off the amp. I have a different headphone jack I can put in at the end for turning off the amp and switching to headphones. For now I will just be using internal speaker/amp so Ill just use the same switch to turn on both for now. I want to put a switch on the data wire for the usb to switch between controller and mp3. I am hoping it will display charging on screen when I do. Just like if the mp3 player was plugged into my ps3.
 I still might go wired , as wired gives me a constant 5v for amp , and for more leds. All while not having to worry about battery life. All though I think it would be very trick if the controller displayed a graffic  of the charging while charging the controller's battery.

Can someone confirm the resistors needed and where to place for no controller cable. I think I read somewhere one resistor between VCC and com1 and a second vcc and com 2 @ 7.5k ohm ?
« Last Edit: July 04, 2011, 03:35:11 PM by denali31004 »

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Re: "The mini"
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2011, 06:20:00 PM »
looking good man! and you should go for a continuous push button instead of a switch. it would look more professional.

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Offline 1TONpete

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Re: "The mini"
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2011, 06:32:12 PM »
I got a push button but its kinda big... we'll see. It will come down to what's available.

    Side note , the mp3 player does display battery charge level. Also confirmed I can plug in the usb cable and charge the battery and the mp3 player displays charging. This is cool and makes it so i can transfer data between ps3 , pc, and mp3 player. But If I want to listen to music while charging my controller I can't , because the mp3 player charges in the on position. This usb port will be on the bottom of the controller next to head phone jack. So If I want to charge my controller and listen to music I just plug the controller in through the usb on the controller. This usb will be on the top like standard controller. I could use just one and put a switch on data , but if i was to use just one I would want it to be the mp3 player one wire up as it has the displaying charging on screen. So that means the switch would have to be on the controller side of things. Which how often do you have to connect your controller manually? Idk I still might do the usb mod as the mp3 player's usb port is offset and ascetically it would look much cleaner with usb on top and head phones on bottom. with a lil slide switch right next to usb port.
   Also I wired the amp to the switch for the power for the mp3 player. I am going to be testing different amp/speaker combos, as I am not happy with how loud this is atm. Here's a lil video of Everything wired up and controller working, I forgot to show the charging on mp3 thing... I'll just post it in a pic later.sorry the mic pics up my kids in the background .

I will probably pick up some either blue or red smds for sound reactive. lay a strip of them along the outside edge on each side of the controller , inside the seam between the 2 shells. Then caulk the seam with clear or opaque silicone. Nice grip, good light diffusion and a good way to smooth out between the 2 shells.
Daughter board update:
ok confirmed ... I put  (2) 10k resistors on the controller. From v-com1 and v-com2 . worked like a charm. The controller works fine with out daughter board now. I'll post a pic of how its on there , very clean.

YES! just listen... it was the speakers... these sound sweet!

« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 10:01:37 AM by denali31004 »

Offline JC531

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looks sweet

Offline Crumbz

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looking sweet man!

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Offline 1TONpete

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Thanks a lot guys. I've been busting my ass on my stuff lately. I'm kinda held up because I'm at a crossroad of what to work on next and what parts to use where. So my work will be very scattered for a while.

Offline loboplayero

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not bad at all good work man!! i think ima try this on a psp lol

Offline 1TONpete

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Lobo i thought about tryin to fit a go in here... correct me but is a go screen smaller...?

Offline 1TONpete

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molds pulled...

« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 04:22:53 PM by denali31004 »

Offline 1TONpete

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ANALOG STICKS .. fun part.

Offline Rodent

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I need to get a camera like you got, yours takes some really nice pics, and clean looking . its comming along great denali . for a buck it  sure  turing into something really cool looking like the skulls also :victory:

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Offline loboplayero

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Lobo i thought about tryin to fit a go in here... correct me but is a go screen smaller...?
the lcd? well im pretty sure if u fit it its gonna take all that space u wont have room 4 buttons

Offline stan4

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Nice work buddy.

I don't really understand, but I guess you're making a PS3/mp3 controller :D.

Offline toadzilla

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Nice work buddy.

I don't really understand, but I guess you're making a PS3/mp3 controller :D.
yes that is what hes making btw welcome to acidmods


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