Author Topic: HardModed psp TA-086 for usb charging all worked fine except usb-pc connectivity  (Read 1511 times)

Offline orangelooker

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Hi guys i've been member for long here and finally decided to try the psp phat USB charging hardmod, i did solder as instructed and as clean as possible, when i tested it went fine i can now charge through my usb chargers or laptop even if my psp phat is off.. but i discovered that the USB connectivity for file transferring now gives error "Connect this system to a PC or PS3 using usb cable" problem...

i tried to search for solutions  and i found one about fusibles and says something about the USB fuse or the LD fuse, unfortunately i have a TA-086 board which doesn't look like the one i searched... been trying to look all over that board where that fuse is but i can't seem to find it...

helpon this matter will very much be appreciated. thank you.

Offline rceckspurt13

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Most likely, you have connected the first two pins on the usb connector. I would inspect those closely to make sure even the smallest bit of solder isn't in between them I had this same problem when I first did this mod, and this was the cause of my problems.
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