Author Topic: 1TON's xbox controller GEAR'S 3 WL  (Read 1937 times)

Offline 1TONpete

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1TON's xbox controller GEAR'S 3 WL
« on: July 31, 2011, 05:45:53 PM »
Here's my starting point. Please note this controller is for a client , I was just given free artistic reign . I had the controller modded before , it has a 4 mode RF installed. I will be updating that to an 8 mode with a programmable setting. I will be doing a bunch of clear mods , including clear sticks and dpad w gears logo molded inside and smaller gears logo's inside the buttons. Everything will be back lit red and I will be doing a led swap and dual color for 3/4 players and RF. The images in the picutre show the analog and buttons graffix.

This is a quick video demonstrating dual color led on analog stick. This mod can and will be applied to triggers also. This could give rf controllers visual display of shots fired. Never mind the track ball in the picture, I was using it for its multi-color led.

Updates: This home button will be redone with a new skull inside ... I like it but it just not the effect I was looking for... But I figured I'd share with you guys anyways...

The new gears home button. I made extra of these PM if interested. I will be making a complete gears themed button set and will be available for GEARS 3 launch.

Here is the graffix for the cut outs in the sides of the controller. These will light up on vib.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2011, 07:17:57 AM by 1TONpete »

Offline Rodent

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Re: 1TON's xbox controller GEAR'S 3 WL
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 07:46:17 PM »
Good Luck , I am getting excited to see how this all turns out, we got a pretty good turn out of people in the competititon, and its gonna be fun modding with you and all the others :)

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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