Yeah these guys are a freaking joke bro!!! We have been having an email convo today lol ill let you guys in on it.
EMAIL #1 (Me) Hey im contacting you about tafaris jtag you guys been working on for the longest time now. He said something about you guys not being able to fix it because of a bad cpu and the jtagging being within the cpu....First of all, the jtagging is NOT within the cpu its within the nand. So swapping his cpu with another console is gonna do jack

. The problem is his gpu. If i still had all my reballing equipment i would do the repair for him.There is nothing wrong with that jtag except the crappy gpu on it. It upsets me that you guys are telling him his console is trash. His console is perfectly fine, it just needs a new gpu reballed to it. Im not trying to be a

,but you guys should know what your talking about before you tell him his xbox is trash.
(Them) You clearly don't know anything about repair jtag units. Feel free to call us if you have any questions.
EMAIL #2 (Me) Sorry kid lol but ive been doing jtags since the 8955 dash. Obviously You know nothing about repairs since tafari has had to send his console to you how many times???? O yeah i lost count. You have an IR machine and cant even use it properly....You might want to make money doing something your good at instead of F ING up peoples xboxs and charging them for it. I am known very well on many modding sites and believe me i will be naming your so called "company" as the comback kings.
(Them) Sorry bud look it up you can do cpu swaps with nand dumps just look it up. We have done hundreds. Your no expert if you don't know how to even reball.
EMAIL #3 (Me) Swapping the cpu does not swap the nand u F ING dumbass..... lmao.. I dont know how to do reballs??? I did reballs with a F ING 968 and you cant even do them with an IR... You guys are a F ING joke man. ahahaha so your dumbass is trying to tell me..that you swapped a cpu and the nand from a jtag to lets say a xbox with a dash 13599 and now all of a sudden the 13599 xbox is a jtag???? The world has come to a go d damn end if you say yes. PLEASE LEARN YOUR STUFF BEFORE YOU TRY AND TALK SHIZ TO ME KIDO HHAHHAHAHA