Author Topic: SE Xperia Play PlayStation Emulator Hacked to Play More ISOs  (Read 2206 times)

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SE Xperia Play PlayStation Emulator Hacked to Play More ISOs
« on: September 11, 2011, 07:09:00 AM »
SE Xperia Play PlayStation Emulator Hacked to Play More ISOs

By: Stephen Schenck | 7:21 PM 9-Aug-11 | from

With the release of the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play, Sony started selling some stand-alone PlayStation games for use with the new smartphone. These titles include an emulator alongside the game image, all ready to run. Now the format Sony uses has been reverse engineered, letting you re-package the official PlayStation emulator with the ISO image of your choice.

Developer Yifan Lu debugged the emulator from an official Xperia Play title to see how it was loading its files. After figuring out how the app was expecting to see ISO data formatted, he was able to patch it to read clear game data right from a file, instead of processing encrypted data and reading it out of memory. Some other adjustments are needed to make sure the app doesn't choke on a file that's too large, but he's still managed to make a tool that automates the process.

Once he makes a nice GUI, we should see the tool released, letting you create your own Play-ready PlayStation images. It's not perfect, lacking features like multi-disc support, but it's still a pretty neat accomplishment, and will do much towards expanding the library of games taking advantage of the Play's controls.

Source: Yifan Lu
Via: Phandroid

I came across this and thought I'd share.


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