ok i got a used ms serviced back in 5-23-2009 xenon board, has the heat syncs upgraded and looks like they also might have added a benq to it at the same time or someone did lol says janary 2008 on the drive (could a xenon even come with a benq when it was first bought). so im looking to do fan mods to it and just looking for the best mod atm i know any fan will work im looking at plug and play's atm. im looking at the xcm cooler v2 fan mod and tailismoon whisper quiet fans. out of those 2 witch would be the better mod first as i would just have enough to get 1 atm lol. i will also be adding a very small laptop cooler that has 3 fans powered by usb witch the fans can be taken out and add them to the bottom that will blow hot air out through the bottom through some holes i will make and prop it up higher.