New Ownership, New competition
As a bid to turn the art department around to how it was in it's glory days so to speak I think we need to find out who, if anyone is able to contribute, big or small, doesn't matter.
The art team is getting stripped back to how it used to be so it will become a small group of people I trust with the skills to match.
Your new art team will be:
Luke, Ghost_Death, HiddenVenom and Myself, IndyChav
We will be working towards completing projects together while slowly building up the team until it is a force to be reckoned with >

So the first competition is going to be a 5 Stage tournament with a point system
5 points to first place
3 points to second place
2 points to third place
1 point for entering
The tasks will be of progressing difficulty and all members who enter have a chance to be considered to be part of the team
and the person who comes in first will have a guaranteed spot.
The first 2 rounds will take place over a week then this post will be updated to include the further rounds.
Good Luck!
Tournament Standings:
1st - Blazinakos - 6
2nd - IndyChav - 5
3rd - Ghost - 3
Joint 4th - DemonBoy / Luke - 2
6th - Toadzilla - 1
Round 1
Theme: Winter Game Release
Size Restrictions: N/A
Necessities: Signature size,
Judges: Acidmods Members
Additional Notes: May include scenes form a previous game if the sequel is being released in december
May not include your own name
Winning Entry:
Round 2Theme: December Movie Release
Size Restrictions: N/A
Necessities: Signature size,
Judges: Acidmods Members
Additional Notes: May include scenes form a previous movie if the sequel is being released in december
May not include your own name
Winning Entry:

You MUST be able to produce a PSD format of your work on request
PM me your entries
Person with most votes Wins
Must comply with forum regulations
Poll will be opened in a new thread
Winning entry will be postd here
Voters must post a who and why and votes will be tallyed at the end.
Voting will run for a week while the 3rd and 4th rounds are being completed
Closing Date: Friday 23rd December 23.59 GMT