Author Topic: Viking Ragnarok Controller  (Read 2852 times)

Offline Modded Matt

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Viking Ragnarok Controller
« on: January 23, 2012, 03:48:36 PM »
Once again Viking shines through with another great product on the market. This new controller is focused on the call of duty series but does have settings for other popular games such as GTA and halo. It has multiple glitch type modes such as perfect reload, drop shot, instant sniper. The Ragnarok also has Different settings for each of these glitches.  check out the for full capabilities or to purchase one for yourself.

The part Acidmods members are mostly interested in is the DIY chip. The install is very straightforward most connections are at test point, however there are three vias that need to be soldered to. I found them to be very accessible.  The chip is designed in a way so there is no loss of rumble motors, even with the 3.5mm jack, everything closed up nicely.  I enjoyed the DYI install, Make sure to read the instructions well and follow the diagrams for your install, the pictures are just examples and are not indicative of a complete install with your choice of options.

DYI guys, your in for a treat, not only is this diy chip a great mod, it has inspired the comeback of the original viking chip Making it easier than ever to own one of these awesome controllers.

If your not a DIYH guy, viking offers many controller options to choose from.



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