Author Topic: How to wire up external buttons for your Xbox360 slim (useful for casemods)  (Read 5371 times)

Offline F4LL3NH3ART

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Hey guys, So I've quickly made a little YouTube tutorial which basically shows me testing and demonstrating exactly which pins you need to solder to if you wish to make a custom case mod which will have momentary push switches,
this could range from wiring up PC buttons from a PC case, or as I am doing, ordering your own and building it by yourself.

My Main reason in making this tutorial is to basically just show you guys how simple it is, There was a pin out floating around, but I know a lot of people won't attempt something until they know it works,
I hope this inspires you guys to make all sorts of wonderful things.
My current project is essentially a Xbox 360 and Ps3 combined into one case, with a flip out monitor. I will make a thread on how I have done it all upon completion.

How to solder on external buttons for a custom 360 slim case mod

« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 05:13:15 PM by Rodent »

Offline 3D0kassiah

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good info  :tup:
Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$


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