Author Topic: low budget rapid fire mod?  (Read 1110 times)


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low budget rapid fire mod?
« on: March 14, 2012, 02:17:33 PM »
We're planning to upgrade our controllers to rapid fire mod but really for the lowest price we can (i'm a cellphone technician so don't mind doing everything myself).

What's the cheapest place to get the controllers? the chips themselfs? from video i saw its really not complicated to install the chips in the controller, but i'm not sure how complicated it will be in the future, when new games come out and the "pre-made" controllers will offer more options than what mines have.

and really any other tip from people that have that\done that will be a bless!
Many thanks!

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Re: low budget rapid fire mod?
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2012, 02:29:12 PM »
Hi. Our open source section  has plenty of free rapid fire codes that you can customize to your liking and depending on game our newest  code is the Flex made by Hazer that has a on board editing mode. your best bet for cheap rapid fire is to make them yourself you should invest in a 15 dollar programer and the pic 12f683  cost about a dollar to a few dollars for each one depending where you get them. This allows you to make all your controllers yourself.

here is the flex code:,35802.0.html


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