Author Topic: help with programming and controller mod  (Read 4472 times)

Offline manwinder

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help with programming and controller mod
« on: March 16, 2012, 07:12:47 PM »
ok so i was wondering if you guys could help me out a little, most of the info is in the picture but just incase you don't understand, here is what i am having problems with. If i ground the trace that comes out of the b button, does that tell the controller the b button was pressed, also, in cg2 the triggers have like a idle voltage of say 1v, mine was like 1.28v, but when pressed it goes to over 2v, how do i read this on my pic, i was wondering if there is a function or some feature that i could use for that. Here is the picture:

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2012, 07:19:51 PM »
If you have a tac button and put one pin to that trace and the other pin to ground, when you press the button it will simulate pressing the B button

Offline manwinder

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2012, 07:21:36 PM »
i no all of that stuff, but will grounding that trace in the picture cause the controller to think i press b

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2012, 08:49:35 PM »
Yes. it will press the b button. I'm assuming your using a pic to do this? As for reading the triggers voltage, i have no clue.

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Offline manwinder

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2012, 09:05:08 PM »
ok i have connected it all to my controller, its acting a little weird right now, like left trigger is rapidfired for some reason, and also if the wires, the b button is held

i have it working some what now, when i am done i will release the code here, since u guys helped me out a lot, but this is what i thought i should have it do: when left or right trigger is pressed, i have left trigger right now working, but that is easy to code, send a high output to the b button, which it does and it is working, what is not working so well is that it presses b after i have let go of the trigger, which i need to fix, also i had it so that if say your pressed the trigger again, it would not press b untill u pressed b, so in cod say you turn the corner dropshot, if you held the left trigger down, u would still stay on the ground until you pressed b, but i will program that for a to, but that is not currently working

i have 1 of the pins outputting to b, and than i have the program change that output to a input, i have the wire soldered to the trace, will this becoming a input not let the controller recieve what b does, so what i mean is, have i cut off the signal going to the controller and it only goes to pic, should i maybe solder closer to the actual b button and have another cable going back to b

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« Last Edit: March 25, 2012, 03:12:48 AM by Rodent »

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2012, 09:27:17 PM »
^ epic triple post. please use the modify button!!!!!!!!!!!

If you change the b button to an input on the pic, the b button will work like normal. Making it an input makes it float, or the pic doesn't do anything with it. You said that you made the b button go high to fire and it worked? i think you meant to say go low to fire.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 09:29:26 PM by drummerdude »

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Offline manwinder

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2012, 09:34:03 PM »
its weird, i tested the b button point i soldered, i don't have it plugged into the breadboard, i test the point and the voltage spikes each time i press it, so i assume when it is pressed there is a high voltage.
also i have just tried to see if i output high to b works, it does not so i guess i need to ground it, also since i ground it, the b button itself does not work, +
[update 2]
ii am going to see if i can get some help with this, if not, i will probably not do it for a couple of months, also does a normal cg(not cg2) controller ground its triggers when they are pressed
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 10:16:22 PM by manwinder »

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2012, 05:04:51 AM »
If you are working with a CG2 controller, then grounding the B button presses it. Thats why its called Common Ground (CG). If the PIC outputs a low signal to this trace, it presses the button. What you cannot do is force a pressed B button to release.

The triggers are different because they are analog.
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Offline manwinder

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #8 on: March 17, 2012, 07:45:18 AM »
thanks for the tip, but what do you mean by force the pressed b button to release, like say if i pressed it, it would be grounded, u mean that i can't force that to go back to the normal voltage
« Last Edit: March 17, 2012, 11:07:15 AM by manwinder »

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2012, 09:46:14 AM »
thanks for the tip, but what do you mean by force the pressed b button to release, like say if i pressed it, it would be grounded, u mean that i can't force that to go back to the normal voltage

As long as you are physically holding down the B button, the PIC cannot raise that voltage to make the controller think the button has been released.

The controllers input for the B button trace is normally floating (or held high with internal resistor). When you press the physical B button, it is physically connecting the input to the ground (common ground controller). Or, you can program a PIC output to ground this trace while the physical button is not being pressed to simulate a button press. But, if the trace is already grounded with the physical button, the PIC cannot raise the ground plane higher to simulate a release.

The only way to have the B button released while the physical button is being pressed is to cut the trace and have the PIC programmed to perform the grounding.
[Quote from Gamermodz via Viking forums]
Don't be jealous your not half as smart. I hate ****tards like you. An ignorant redneck. Your nothing but a posing ******. Get the **** out of here, really, your claim to fame is an open source rapid fire code? You make me laugh. You think you have control over the modding market?  You couldn't create what I can and do. You are too ignorant with your outrageous assumptions and accusations. [/Quote]

Offline manwinder

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #10 on: March 17, 2012, 10:31:58 AM »
ok but i don't want to stimulate a  b press, when the button is pressed, i want to make the pic press b when the trigger is pressed, that does work, but with that working, pressing the b button does not work, maybe i am not understanding something(sorry)
 auto drop shot mod help
ok somethign weird, even if i have the pic powered off, or there be no power going to the pic, through the pickit2, it still drops if i fully hold down the trigger and also the b button doesn't work with it off or on, i am wondering should i move something around like change the pics volatge, from the pickit2 to the controller or move the wires around, just wondering if you guys could help
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 06:10:30 PM by manwinder »

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2012, 01:43:16 AM »
Correct me if I'm wrong....(I'm probably wrong) but wouldn't it be easier to just add a jumper wire between the two buttons?   So that when you press what ever trigger you want your drop synced to, it ultimately "presses" the B button as well.

Offline manwinder

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2012, 09:21:16 AM »
that would be easy and i can do it, but i want to make a smart mod, so it doesn't do it everytime

Offline Deviantmind

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2012, 05:20:32 PM »
Okay... So if I'm understanding right.. You want to have your pic activate the 'B' button when you press the left trigger, BUT, only if you're not on the ground already?  Is this correct?
You'll need to use a boolean flag to test whether or not you're on the ground ie.. 
Code: [Select]
    drop code here
    ON_GROUND = true;

But then you'll need to reset the flag once you've gotten up.  Could maybe be done by wiring the 'A' or 'B' button to an input on the chip that if that bit is read it resets the flag.

Offline manwinder

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2012, 05:31:33 PM »
i understand what u mean but i also want it to check if you have pressed b, if u have than don't run the drop shot, i already have most of the code down, i have it in pseudo, i have programming experience and i know how to make it, i have some experience in microchips and i also have experience in comptuer electronics and stuff like that, the problem is i have not studied, the microchip hardcore, and i probably won't (thats the way i built), even though i do look around, i am just looking for somebody to help me understand what to use, what things do and whatever else, i have a friend helping(really nice guy, has lots of experience with this), i could pay someone to do this, i could probably get someone to do it for free, but i rather build it(it feels better) and learn while doing it. I will keep you guys updated on the status of the code and stuff like that, if you guys have any suggestions or helpful tips feel free to leave a comment. currently i have the friend helping me with analog to digital conversion, i got it right now but having some problems

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2012, 07:22:02 PM »
Its troubleshooting time. Disconnect the wire to the B button.

If it still acts wierd, you have a solder problem.

If it clears up, you have either a wiring problem or a code problem.

If its a code problem, your gonna have to show us what you did.
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Offline manwinder

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Re: help with programming and controller mod
« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2012, 04:12:41 AM »
i will, but i need to check in with my friend, i will post up results and problems on friday or saturday, would you guys prefer video or normal reply


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