Author Topic: PS3 controller with internal bluetooth and external 2.5 jack connection  (Read 5073 times)

Offline The End of A Heartache

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So yeah, i have returned Sort of. I haven't been on here for along time i do apologize.

 I am a workaholic and have a life which sucks because i hardly have much time to get On line and work on mods.

I actually finally got a week off from the wife and work. So i decide to work on an on going mod i work on everynow and then.

I do not have picture since my son been taking my battery's to play with his spycopter from hawkeye.

Anyways i managed to find my old Kodak digi cam and take a video of my controller after the mod which is still work in prograss

Its not the greatest or existing but its a mod :) enjoy
...emo freak out! >.< ........

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Offline Rodent

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Very neat idea and good proof.. Nice work glad to see something different around here . keep up the good work and all work no play just makes  you get older faster :D

 Tracey: I cant believe Rodent of all people made my damn day
3D0: snacks cartoons and naps  lol sounds like rodents typcial day :rofl:
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Offline 1TONpete

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I was talking to fookz about this a couple months ago. Glad to see someone did it. Good job.

Offline The End of A Heartache

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Very neat idea and good proof.. Nice work glad to see something different around here . keep up the good work and all work no play just makes  you get older faster :D

I was talking to fookz about this a couple months ago. Glad to see someone did it. Good job.

Thanks guys and yeah it was an instresting mod.

Some background on this mod: I got the controller as a birthday present from my wife. She knows I'm a big mod buff and anything that i get i mod it.

So i saw it was a Cami edition PS3 controller from Sony. Since she got me the controller i got myself the MW3 game and it just clicked two and two. Though i think it clicked for her as well which is why she bought me the controller as a birthday present.

So little by little Ive been modding it, chaning the red indicator light to eletronic green, getting bullet button off ebay, talking to scott at pimpmyps3. Of course taking care of my son is something that's more important to me.

I bidded on a mini bluetooth on eBay no less then aweek ago and won it dirt cheap. No less then $7 which was awesome and Ive been hearing how some people would have wished for an internal communication device like that on the xbox360 so i got to thinking. Since the controller is bluetooth AND the miniblue tooth works on the PS3 why not combine it.

After 3days begging my wife to give me some ME time so i can do this mod She gives in, of course after convincing her and compromising her to a full body massage and a daddy pony ride all day for my son.

I started and right away i can see that it will be somewhat a BREEZE to do this mod. But towards the end i ran into problems with the jack.

Luckily my wife set me up with box full of broken electronics that "my" son got his hand on and start to slam it around. lol

So i start to look for jacks, pin connection, couplings, slips or something i can connect externally to the bluetooth. After rumaging at 3am cause when having kids and wife every min of a break counts i found a broke part of an xbox360 jack and though "Wait a minute, if i can use one of those old in ear mic piece i can use that for the mod."

After a 8hour of sleep and a cup of coffee and flap jack with the son i went back with a clear head and full days rest and finished off the mod.

finding the mic terminal was difficult on the jack part. But setting up the meter to indicate which connection works where it took me a second. I solder my line, setup my bluetooth to my cellphone called my wife hoping the mic doesn't work and demanded a sammich. After a quick cleanup cause she throw it at me as my son laughed in her arm i knew it worked perfectly. The rest was just trimming and fitting and gluing in place.

One thing for sure. I had no clearance on the left tumbler, so that had to go. But i was able to keep the right one :) Since i got the clear trigger i setup two internal light for the tumbler so now it flicker.
...emo freak out! >.< ........

random is fun

Offline sinrockets

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Super nice mod and good attention to detail clean cuts and nice placement! The funny thing that cought my eye was that mario block case, cause i have the same exact one!! haha used it for bud, but looks like a nice screw and part container. nice mod though and cool controller!!! :tup:
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Offline The End of A Heartache

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  • Mr. Martinez
Super nice mod and good attention to detail clean cuts and nice placement! The funny thing that cought my eye was that mario block case, cause i have the same exact one!! haha used it for bud, but looks like a nice screw and part container. nice mod though and cool controller!!! :tup:

Thank you :)

And yeh my wife bought it for me, it was origianly a tin can full of One coin candy mints. Delicous and minty haha

I am already having feed back issue, with the headset. I thought it was the cheap headset ive been using which already broke on me twice. So i bought a mono over the ear headset for an AT&T phone and retryied to use the chat over headset which still feed back when the mic is on lvl 2 and up.

Im ganna redo the connection for the mono and mic. Im ganna order a new 2.5 jack from ebay and try again.

Is their away to seperate the channel could be talk over which happens to cause feedback.
...emo freak out! >.< ........

random is fun


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