Author Topic: Twin Atlantic "Free" Remix Contest Entry, Can I get a Vote? :D  (Read 2339 times)

Offline bozoy

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Hey guys, I entered for a remix contest with one my own remix's and It would mean a lot to me if you voted for me. all you have to do is:
1. Click the link (given below)
2. Confirm that it is me (DJ Daas) and click "vote" (it is unnecessary to click on the "let indaba contact me..." thing)
3. Enter in the email and confirm by clicking the link in your inbox (that indaba sent out to you)
It's as simple as that!
if you could help me out, it would be amazing! :D
Thanks a million!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 06:55:24 PM by bozoy »
2nd Year EE


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