Author Topic: Rumble - Wired vs Wireless Controller  (Read 1198 times)

Offline Johan1973

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Rumble - Wired vs Wireless Controller
« on: February 25, 2013, 09:32:50 AM »
For the first time I have been using a wireless controller since that came with my Xbox. However, I find that the rumble is weak, almost to the point where I can not feel it much at all most of the time, compared to the wired one I use. There is of course a difference in voltage feed to the rumble motors, but is there any other limit on the wireless one that prevents it to be as forceful as the wired controller?

Just asking, since I would like to mod it to have a more forceful rumble if possible...

Offline Icyhaze

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Re: Rumble - Wired vs Wireless Controller
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2013, 07:19:46 PM »
Besides the batteries dying causing it to get weaker is just about all i can think of, i know when i put the rumble motors on the wrong side of the controller when i was putting mine back together made it feel weird, but if you haven't taken it apart all i can think of would be put some fresh AA's into it.

Offline Johan1973

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Re: Rumble - Wired vs Wireless Controller
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2013, 08:59:23 PM »
I mean, that even with fully charged batteries or running of the charge and play cable, the rumble is much weaker in the wireless controller than the wired one. The wired controller can almost jump out of my hands sometimes with its kick, but the wireless, even when batteries are fully charged, I barely notice it.

I have solved this issue, at least a bit. The wireless controller uses weaker smaller motors that lugs around about 40% less mass than the wired ones. So I simply installed the motors from a wired controller into the wireless one. Though, since you have less voltage, it does not get up to the same speed as with the wired controller, and this will also eat a bit more battery time, it is noticeable the difference between the default motors and the ones that came from wired controller.

Unfortunately this had an additional issue, weak rumblings are now not felt at all... Guess I will have to play around with this until I get something that is ok.

UPDATE: My conclusion is that it would take a charge pump to increase the DC voltage to around 5-6V and some modding to feed that voltage only to the motors when necessary.
« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 11:04:24 PM by Johan1973 »


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