Author Topic: Will this work?  (Read 1785 times)

Offline FuSiiOn

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Will this work?
« on: May 21, 2012, 10:59:06 AM »
Hi Guys, Please tell me , will this work. Basically, i have done the mod to both speaker ports. That is 4 LEDS,s together. Also, if i add another LED onto each bit, will the resistors stil be 30 and 191?

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Re: Will this work?
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2012, 03:38:04 PM »
welcome to the site Fusiion.

what are you trying to do here? is there a reason for using two amps? those resistors are not for the led's and they should remain the same. you should test the output and use a resistor that matches your led array (you can use more than one led, the pic is just an example). In theory, I would say the output and supply is equal to the amp's supply, or 5V

I have personally never used this set up, I generally mod the xbox so someone correct me if I am wrong.


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