Author Topic: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?  (Read 10259 times)

Offline gkostas58

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[HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« on: July 15, 2012, 06:52:26 AM »
I have the PSP 3000 and my L Trigger button is pressed on its own. It started when I change the psp's case! Can someone help me???
When I remove the faceplate is still pressed on its own. Please help!!!!  :help: :beg: :help: :cry2:

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Re: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2012, 12:53:37 AM »
I have the PSP 3000 and my L Trigger button is pressed on its own. It started when I change the psp's case! Can someone help me???
When I remove the faceplate is still pressed on its own. Please help!!!!  :help: :beg: :help: :cry2:

most likely the rubber for the l button is not put on right or the case is press against it i have had this problem before

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Re: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2012, 11:03:43 AM »
Thank you for your answer! But if the case is causing the problem, how can i solve it???

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Re: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2012, 04:41:30 PM »
try playing with how tight/loose the screw is behind the trigger

thanks toad and indy for the sigglys

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Re: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2012, 11:37:05 PM »
I tried it and when i put the case I have the same problem! Maybe the new case isn't original and that is causing the problem!

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Re: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2012, 05:50:05 AM »
the trigger has a FCB, a metal retainer, rubber pad, and the button itself. The FCB is/was glued to the original housing, did you damage it when pealing it off? take the cover off, lift the assembly out of the case and allow the FCB to just hang there untouched. power up and see what happens.

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Re: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2012, 11:28:34 AM »
the trigger has a FCB, a metal retainer, rubber pad, and the button itself. The FCB is/was glued to the original housing, did you damage it when pealing it off? take the cover off, lift the assembly out of the case and allow the FCB to just hang there untouched. power up and see what happens.

Couldnt have said it better myself! lol

i know that the L & R Triggers on a psp can be touchy at times. also make sure when you connect the ribbon cable back onto the psp that the ribbon cable is not crooked and is in all the way.

if that dosent work i would recommend taking the button cable out and GENTLY wiping the gold contacts with a dry cloth to remove any oils or possible debris.

if all else fails you should probably try replacing the button. they are cheap and can be found here (

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Offline terriquez94

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Re: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« Reply #7 on: September 07, 2013, 03:18:49 PM »
This problem has nothing to do with the ribbon cable not being plugged in correctly or the housing not being made correctly. When you transferred the flex ribbon cable on the left side did you peel it off with you hand or at anytime did you use a screwdriver to help peel off the flex ribbon cable that's attached to the L trigger and d-pad? Or even just merely touched it with a screw driver? If your not careful your screw driver can be a magnetic one or it can obtain a magnetic charge prior to use. If you touched the flex ribbon cable with the screw driver there is a very high risk of ruining the part all together. The flex ribbon cables on both left d-pad and right abxy buttons have a tendency to want to suck up a magnetic charge from things. If that happens then it will cause your psp L or R trigger to be constantly pressed seemingly 1000 times per second in any text box. The way I fixed mine was buy replacing the Left flex ribbon cable as well as the right flex ribbon cable. If that does not work for you your only 2 options are to buy new flex ribbons AND a new mobo. OR buy a grounding tool. A grounding tool is able to remove a magnetic charge from your desired target (hopefully it will then function as normal once the magnetic charge is removed from the flex cable). I've never tried that method yet but I will this week with one of my psp's that has the Left Trigger Virus. Call it the LT Virus for short. This magnetic charge can be transferred from psp to psp like a virus. SO BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL NOT TO SWITCH ANY PARTS!!
« Last Edit: September 07, 2013, 03:21:07 PM by terriquez94 »

Offline rorisankun

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Re: [HELP] Why my L Trigger button is pressed on its own?
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2016, 11:14:55 AM »
u can place a smaal piece of paper under the contacts. i make that manytimes, and always solve that


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