I startred this today after brainstorm.
I am waiting on replacement lcd logic board for psp , this was my first mock up of the build.
the reason why...
The PSP now supports PS3 games through remote play on modded ps3's. The problem comes when you need dual analogs or 4 triggers. The psp go can connect to the dual shock 3 controller through Blue tooth. This gives the psp go full PS3 control.
I had some spare parts laying around that were allready cut up a lil. I just needed to do a lil more trimming. Also I used the bottom 2 screw holes on the back of the psp go to mount the go to the dual shock plastic button board. Next is a charge , data mod. I might use a usb hub inside where one of the batteries were. They now share a psp go battery. The dual shock can charge the psp go but to make this work you need to pair them. You need to connect both devices to your ps3 at the same time to sync the devices together. So either 2 usb ports or install a hub. using 1 cable to charge and do my syncing would be nice.
Enough rambling here's the demo vid.
http://youtu.be/w48PhHP1GoASample pics after epoxy...

After first coat of light weight filler. A lil sanding done.

Completed body work. Also you can see the button layout w dual shock PS button installed.

Gloss black Krylon fusion. Couple coats, no wet sanding yet. I can see my imperfections in my body work, But I think most will be gone after wet sand.

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Wet sand and respray.

Fresh coats of clear. Not a big fan of the clear I used. But a lil wet sand and it will be sweet.