Hi Acidmods.
Firstly I apologise if this is in the wrong section but I have difficulty
navigating the site on my phone.
I found this site searching for a macro programable control for the 360.
There was a project up where you could change chips in the control depending on what game you want to use it with.
What I'm looking for is a mod that will alow me to program my own functions. Preferably something that can start recording what I'm pressing on the control, then repeat it when I press one of the added buttons.
Baisicly I want The Viking control without paying the insane price. And I want to do it as a DIY project. I don't care about rapid fire and insta kill. I just hate having to put away a weapon or shield, select a spell I want to use, use the spell and then have to put it away and select the weapon or shield again when I'm playing Skyrim. This has brought about the need for afew buttons I can use to insta change all that and be back where I started.
A simple LED set up will be needed to indicate when the recording has been initiated and completed. A minimum of four buttons would be nice. 8 beeing preferable.
Please help. I can't get my hands on a Viking in South Africa and importing one costs more than I care to part with.