Author Topic: How to turn on/off 3mm LEDs on the Xbox 360 Matrix 2 board  (Read 4154 times)

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How to turn on/off 3mm LEDs on the Xbox 360 Matrix 2 board
« on: September 07, 2012, 12:25:14 AM »
Hey guys,

I am installing two 3mm colour changing LEDs to the bottom of my controller, the LEDs have multicoloured lights thus use different voltage.

The only power connection on the Matrix 2 that works all the colours on the LEDs is the battery power connection which most use for their mods also.

I am trying to find a way to turn the LEDs on/off from the sync button , as at present they turn on when the batteries are put into the controller and also you must remove the battery pack to turn them off.

My idea was to find a power connection that turns them on when the controller is turned on and off when turned off..
I failed to find a solution.

So, the sync button, once connected to the leds when you press the sync the leds do turn off, but when you remove your finger from the sync they turn back on.

Anyone know what I can introuduce to this circut with the sync so that once I press the sync, the leds stay off and also in turn stay on when pressed ?

Thanks in advance modders !

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Re: How to turn on/off 3mm LEDs on the Xbox 360 Matrix 2 board
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2012, 01:55:43 PM »
make a flipflop array with timers.

use an optocoupler to switch the power source

Offline crazy-modder

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Re: How to turn on/off 3mm LEDs on the Xbox 360 Matrix 2 board
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2012, 02:43:55 PM »
I did a controller for a guy last month with 3mm leds and i used a npn transistor. You can use a pnp transistor but youll have to find a switching ground on the board. So when u turn the controller on the leds will come on. You could wire in a small slide switch.

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Re: How to turn on/off 3mm LEDs on the Xbox 360 Matrix 2 board
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2012, 06:16:31 AM »
You can use the 1.5v positive reference voltage going into either of the trigger pots, this rail goes high when the controller is on and low when the controller is off.

DO NOT drive the LEDs directly from this point, use a transistor setup as a switch (correct resistor value for base pin needs to be chosen so that the trigger reference voltage going into the base pin fully saturates the transistor) to control power to the LEDs.

If you want to use the sync button as the switch you could either use a 555 timer configured as a single input bistable or even a lower end PIC microcontroller.

Using a PIC would be an easy way to allow you to have the best of both the trigger voltage reference / sync button methods; the PIC could monitor the sync button and toggle the LEDs accordingly when it is pressed (I believe a PIC's output source / sink current is around 25mA per pin so you will need to make sure that any LEDs connected in series do not draw more than this), and the PIC could also monitor the trigger voltage reference and turn off the LEDs automatically when the controller is powered down. When the controller is powered up it could even turn them back on automatically, it all depends on the code. It would also be a nice single chip solution with minimal external components.

A while ago I created an LED lighting mod for the Xbox 360 controller which had all of this functionality, plus it was capable of driving 3-4 LEDs with different blinking patterns, and could also change the LED pattern when the player died etc. I still have this if you are interested.

Hope this helps.


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