Author Topic: Adding A/B buttons to back of controller?  (Read 1821 times)

Offline locherm

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Adding A/B buttons to back of controller?
« on: November 08, 2012, 09:34:14 PM »
So, I'm new to all this stuff and trying to get my bearings on everything. I recently came across Scuf controllers, with the paddles on the back, and decided to try it myself. I've seen a few tutorials that tell you to scrape the black off of the button pads and solder the new connectors to that. I tried that on an old, junky controller, and found that it made the existing face buttons nearly unusable. Is there another method?

I see trace diagrams discussed around here. Can I use those instead? For simply adding an A and B button, is it very complicated? Also, if there's a post / tutorial that already covers that, please let me know.


Offline snowcolt17

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Re: Adding A/B buttons to back of controller?
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 09:57:51 PM »
So, I'm new to all this stuff and trying to get my bearings on everything. I recently came across Scuf controllers, with the paddles on the back, and decided to try it myself. I've seen a few tutorials that tell you to scrape the black off of the button pads and solder the new connectors to that. I tried that on an old, junky controller, and found that it made the existing face buttons nearly unusable. Is there another method?

I see trace diagrams discussed around here. Can I use those instead? For simply adding an A and B button, is it very complicated? Also, if there's a post / tutorial that already covers that, please let me know.


pretty sure the reason its hard to use is because
1)not a good connection
2)the wiring under/over the grey padding is in the way of the button-pad-board. if you understand.

use smaller wire?
maybe follow the trace to the little circle you can maybe solder it there and use the fuction of the original button without damaging the trace for the connection.

Offline Tenac

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Re: Adding A/B buttons to back of controller?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2012, 04:05:48 PM »
I've moved the ABXY buttons on the back before, and it worked great.  Each button has 2 pads, so I scraped off half of each of the pads (the sides away and parallel from the center), and was able to solder the wires to the copper surface that I revealed underneath the pads.

Offline Mrflibbl3s

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Re: Adding A/B buttons to back of controller?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2013, 12:37:44 PM »
don't scrape and solder onto the actual pad if you can avoid it. From what I've learned doing this myself and tutorials out there, the easiest way is to find the trace for the button you are trying to use and use that instead, it's cleaner and doesn't effect the button on the front as much. also using 30awg wire makes it barely noticeable and a lot easier for the case and handling. I picked some up online then I realized Radioshack had some labeled as wrapping wire for $6 per roll. There are a lot of tuts out there on what you are trying to do.,34543.0.html,34544.0.html,34545.0.html
for the trace contact points  :yess:
the common is also shown or you can use tp2/tp22 as I've read and done from a tutorial on another site.


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