Author Topic: Krazyone2006's 360 controller mod  (Read 823 times)

Offline krazyone2006

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Krazyone2006's 360 controller mod
« on: November 09, 2012, 03:47:17 PM »
got a couple wired 360 controllers off of Rodent decided to mod one of them with paint and bullet shell buttons heres the controller i already did the d-pad bored one day lol

the controller disassembaled you can see the caseings i am going to use for the buttons in the pics

the paint i chose to use is new to me but is looking really good with only 2 thin coats its a hunter green made by Rust-O-Leum universal paint and primer in one was $7.69 at Lowes gotta say i'm impressed with it heres the controller drying after the second coat

the triggers are staying white thats why they ar taped off heres a pic of the paint i used so the rest of u can try it for diffrent projects

will update post tomorrow when paint dries and i can start test fitting buttons.......


ok so i fisnished everything but the lights in the controller wil add them later after i get a new fine tip for my soldering iron

heres the paint dried i am really liking how this green turned out nice hard finish i baked them in my living room with 2 electric heaters set on high was like 110 dgrees in there all night lol

fine tuning the action buttons here .38 specials fit perfect and i mean perfect no modifiying of the hole or anything

and here is it all put back together with 20 gauge joysticks a 12 gauge d-pad and .38 special action buttons  hunter green paint with white trigers and start and back buttons to be continues when i get a tip for the soldering iron

« Last Edit: November 10, 2012, 05:41:22 PM by krazyone2006 »


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