Author Topic: [TUT] DIY PMT Probe for all Lite-On 16D2S  (Read 12237 times)

Offline Luigus

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[TUT] DIY PMT Probe for all Lite-On 16D2S
« on: November 14, 2012, 06:55:24 AM »


I Recently made my own PMT Probe for my own 16D2S LiteOn Drive. [ Also know as POGO MO THOIN <-- lol wtf ]

This is fairly easy, and worked like a charm.
I got some off my ideas from this thread at tx forums, they had a competition on who made the best(i think) you can go check that out for some ideas, if youw ant to add some stuff(sorry if this is against the rules) :
Also in this image you can see clearly how it works (Sage2050 from TX's Forum so this image credit goes to him)

This "Probe" is used to Extract the Drive Key From all Phat LiteOn 16D2S drives.

Parts Needed
  • Extra Xbox 360 dvd drive power cable

  • An Flexible ruler, thats easy to cut
  • 5mm/3mm LED, Color of choice [I use green in the tut]
  • 3x 20-25cm pieces of wires (prefferably different colors)
  • 100 ohm Resitor
  • On/Off switch
  • A paper Clip

Tools Needed
  • Solder Iron
  • Glue Gun

Difficulty rating: 2/5

Average Time to Complete: i.e 15-30 mins

Step By Step Tutorial

I already made mine, so i dont have pics from the start, sorry...

1. Take your Ruler and Cut a piece off, abolut 15Cm, and cut of the edges to make it look like a peanut shape.

2. Make a hole big enogh for your switch to fit in, aswell as 2 holes next to it for the wires, and the a hole for the LED.

3. Glue your switch in as well as the led, while you have your glue gun out, straighten the paper clip and glue it onto the Piece
Of Ruler, so that about 5-10 cm is sticking out.

4. Now for the Wiring:
Heres a diagram of the pinout for the xbox power cable and how to wire it:

Heres how I wired Mine, with the led

4.1, cut the 3.3V line and solder a piece of the 20-25cm lenths of wire to each point. (use line 5)
4.2 scrape some of the inslution off on any of the ground wires, i used line 6. and solder your third wire onto that

4.3 Push one of the wires from the 3.3V line through one of the holes next to the switch (from the front) and solder it to one end of your switch,
    take the other wires from the 3.3V line take it through the other hole next to the switch and solder it on to the other end of the switch.

4.4 take the wire that you soldered onto the Ground wire and strip off a 5 cm piece off the front off the wire, and wrap it around the paper clip,
    making sure it makes contact. Put some solder over it for just incase.
4.5 wire your ground from your led onto the same wire that goes to the paper clip.
4.6 solder the 100ohm resitor onto the positive leg of your LED and from the resistor to the switch (the switched 3.3v, otherwise itl just stay on)

5. Now take your hot glue gun and glue the wires ont the ruler's plastic, so it doesn't strain on the solder joints.

6. wrap some insulation tape around the wires from the power cable of the dvd drive.

FAQ/ Troubleshooting
  • sometimes the ground wire isnt fully conected to the paper clip, just wrap it around tightly and dont hesitate with the solder :P
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 12:12:13 PM by Luigus »

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Re: [TUT] DIY PMT Probe for all Lite-On 16D2S
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2012, 07:09:53 AM »
nice too tutorial thanks ,

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Offline cobi_vw

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Re: [TUT] DIY PMT Probe for all Lite-On 16D2S
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2012, 07:14:35 AM »
awesome tut, thanks man


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