Author Topic: Origin and twitch tv are now partners!!!!!  (Read 1823 times)

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Origin and twitch tv are now partners!!!!!
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:02:34 PM »

EA is teaming up with Twitch TV to bring streaming features to its Origin content delivery platform.
Origin recently announced a big update on its blog , the article contained two pieces of good news! The first is the ability to add “Non-Origin” games in your game library which is certainly a good thing for many of us, but the second piece of good news is even better…Origin has just announced a partnership with twitch tv, the famous video game broadcasting community website which allows thousands of players around the world to stream their games.
How does it work?
It’s pretty simple, thanks to this patch it will require you only to connect your twitch tv account with your Origin account and then start a game, it’s that simple! Origin also offers us several cool options; for example, when you stream your game you will have access to information about your streaming such as the number of people who are following you, the duration of your streaming, the resolution of the stream etc…
This kind of innovation clearly shows that Origin’s team is listening to the players, this is very encouraging for the future. If they keep it that way, a lot more surprises will come, for sure…
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