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+1 rodent
was there a fall out between mike and am ?
NO not between mike and AM. just whats been happing around all the mod sites that use to sell modding tools for xbox, xbox 360 , ps3 and wii etc you name it . they all cant use pay pal or mastercard.
has paypal or mcfor he matter released a statement on why
well if a banner can be made that would be great because people do come on asking for details about the shoppaypal and other card companies made an agreement with $ony M$ nintendo etc not to accept payments on products that can enable piracy on there consoles this actually started about a yr ago but this yr really took into effect and yeah the idea of posting sites that we can buy parts from would be great
hmmmm as one of the reporters for here im going to shoot their prs an email and find out what their response is