Author Topic: 360 controller ROL help.. already messed up both player 3 traces..  (Read 1153 times)

Offline Icyhaze

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I found the diagram for the CG2 controller if you messed up the trace, so i know where to run the jumpers, but before i go any further i dont want to mess anymore up, i had done the ROL on this controller about a week ago, but player 3 and 4 LEDs were dim, figured it was a bad connection, so i decided to do away with those and solder on some new ones, but the player 4 LED is still dim and gets brighter when i touch the hot iron to the negative side.  I have a new 30 watt iron with a fine tip, but i cant get solder to stick to it and its hard to get it to the traces on the board, thats how i messed up the last two. whats causing the dim LEDs and how do i solder the jumpers to the points on the board, there just little holes i cant seem to get the solder to make the wire stick.

I even tried a - jumper to the - on the player 4 LED to see if it was just a bad connection to the pad, but it didnt help, i ran that - straight from the battery packs - point.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 07:16:56 PM by krazykid122 »

Offline 3D0kassiah

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Re: 360 controller ROL help.. already messed up both player 3 traces..
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2012, 08:33:15 PM »
to begin with it sounds like your a bit of  n00b no pun intended so a 30w solder iron is way to dam hot for rol swaps etc now some people will say otherwise but if you dont know what your doing start off with a 15w or less iron will save you from causing major damage its easy to burn pads off with something that hot
and as far as the leds being dim it can be a number of things the led in general  can suck not all smd leds are the same
or your damaging the led with that 30w iron they do go bad if your using to much heat
bet your bottom dollar that you damaged the pad with your iron thats why it works when you make contact with it.. makes a connection
to reveal traces get yourself a fiberglass scratch pen there used for automotive purposes maily used by painters you can also find them in electronics stores or you can use an Xacto knife (did i spell that right im :drunk:) lol or scrape off the green crap from the board dont over do it when using a x knife that scratch pen does wonders and wont mess up any traces
ps best method to remove those 0603 leds is the flooding method if carefully done u can remove and replace those leds pretty quick and ALWAYS USE FLUX

if anything post a pic so we can try and help you

« Last Edit: December 28, 2012, 08:37:28 PM by 3D0 »
Tracey: f off Rodent
rodent:i would of flew it to bill gates and shoved it up his a$$

Offline Icyhaze

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Re: 360 controller ROL help.. already messed up both player 3 traces..
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2012, 08:38:59 PM »
im a noob to modding ROL modding haha, im not afraid to say, i switched to my 15 watt iron just now, i ran a - wire from one LED (there all blue btw) to the - on the PCB and touched the + side to the + on the PCB where the battery comes in, it still seemed dim, but the player 1 and 2 ones work fine, does it make a difference if i solder my 30ga wire to the side of the led, or the bottom where the little gold pads are? maybe that could be why its dim because its not connecting on the bottom, but on the sides? idk. I also dont have my camera around so i cant take a pic


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