Author Topic: [TUTORIAL] How to downgrade the Cronus to GPP firmware  (Read 4628 times)

Offline hey101

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[TUTORIAL] How to downgrade the Cronus to GPP firmware
« on: June 15, 2013, 04:42:26 PM »
This is a neat glitch that I just discovered on how to get the Cronus firmware to change to the GPP firmware. The latest version of Cronus firmware prevents you from going to the Game Pad Proxy firmware by disabling the reset trick. This is how to bypass that.

**This requires good timing**
**Also once you do this you can *NOT* go back to the Cronus firmware - Cronos X modpacks still seem to work but I have not found a way to freely go back and forth between the two firmwares**

Step 1 - Start the Cronus CFG software

Step 2 - Open task manager and locate the cronoscfg.exe process.s. click "end process" but do not confirm it yet.

Step 3 - click the profile button in the top left of the Cronus CFG software to change the mod profiles.

Step 4 - Drag something random over and click "Program  Device Slots"

Step 5 - This is where the timing comes in handy. My tip is to make sure that the end process dialog is right next to the ok button in the write modpacks window. click ok on the Write modpacks window. As soon as you see it saying entering programming mode QUICKLY click end process. If successful the Cronus CFG software will exit and you should see a "P" on the Cronus device.

Step 6 - Start the GPP software and click tools -> firmware update.

Step 7 - Let it go through the firmware update and it should complete successfully.

Congratulations you now have the Cronus back to GPP firmware and can now program to your hearts desire. Like I said previously, you *should* be able to still open the Cronus software and add the mod packs back to the slots and program. You will not be able to go back to the Cronus firmware that I am aware of. Hopefully this guide will help somebody somewhere.

I hope this is the best place to put this tutorial. If it is not then can a mod please move it?
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 04:44:26 PM by hey101 »

Offline Cervantes

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Re: [TUTORIAL] How to downgrade the Cronus to GPP firmware
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 03:27:00 PM »
Dear friend

The glitch that you found helped us to solve a problem with a defective cronus.
Last year I bought a cornus from United States to Chile and it has worked quite well, my friend and fighting mate also ordered one,  and sadly it came faulty, it get stuck after one or two minutes of use, it stopped responding and the problem is so persistent that the product could not be used.

Several months have passed since my friend bought his device and since the cronus customer support sucks and since the firmware update doesn't helped, we had not find  any solution that could fix the problem, until now.

Your simple and detailed guide, gave us the solution to the problem, now my friend's cronus works very well and has all the benefits of gpp firmware.

I registered on this site just to say thank you very very much. You helped a pair of very very frustrated persons.

Offline hey101

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Re: [TUTORIAL] How to downgrade the Cronus to GPP firmware
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 12:31:06 PM »
I am glad to hear that it worked. Unfortunately this method now only works with the old GPP software and will not work with the new GTuner program. It will not detect the device.


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