Author Topic: Optocoupler problems?  (Read 1079 times)

Offline Icyhaze

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Optocoupler problems?
« on: February 04, 2013, 07:02:28 PM »
Im trying to use an opto to turn on and off my LEDs, i have a CG2 controller and this optocoupler . At first i tried a 15 ohm resistor, and the lights would turn on, but be really dim, and when i turned on the controller the rumble pack would just start going and the controller was acting weird. Then a guy i know that has some electronics degree said that was way too small, to use about 120 ohm resistor, i didnt have one so i used a 100, it seems to be working right but the yellow and red LEDs are REALLY dim, and the green and blue are not even on, neither is the dome LEDs. There all wired together, so its not that they arent hooked up, im not sure whats going on. I would ask him but hes hard to get ahold of.

EDIT - With the PnC cable plugged in, all the leds including the dome cut on and work great, but with the battery pack (AA's) or the rechargeable its still the same dim problem, and neither the blue, green, and dome LEDS arent on.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 08:39:22 PM by Icyhaze »


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