Author Topic: PSP second *ANALOG* stick--(concept/idea)  (Read 3806 times)

Offline smrkolin1

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PSP second *ANALOG* stick--(concept/idea)
« on: March 06, 2013, 12:41:13 PM »
Hello guys :D
My name is Martin. I'm 14 years old
I really like programing and electronics

I was visiting this site for a long time and it's just a great forum. i like all the mods you have done so far and they are just amazing.

This is my idea of doing this mod...
i was thinking alot about the razorx dual nub, but this just gives the contact and acts like a button press.
but if you press the button the screen view  /character  just moves for a big distance and its still difficult to control your game with that
but with this mod you would simulate a very short click over and over again (that would happen fast) and the more you would pull the stick to that direction the click would be longer

OK this is how i would do it.

1. I would read the analog data from the analog stick with arduino
2. you know the arduino have that adc converter so it gives me out value between 0 and 1023
3. depending on the value the loop would execute the following code
4. then it would turn on the digital output(which is connected to button... [] ) for a very short time
5. this time tho depends on the value. then it would wait again for a short time and again turn on the output
6. if you would pull the stick all the way to the right it would just keep the output on like you were holding the [] button

tell my what you think about it. if you don't understand, answer to topic: hey martin your description sucks. I don't know a thing what are you trying to tell us :P
I will try to explain again with pictures.

Thank you for all your responds.

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Re: PSP second *ANALOG* stick--(concept/idea)
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2013, 03:18:00 AM »
I Like :P

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Offline smrkolin1

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Re: PSP second *ANALOG* stick--(concept/idea)
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2013, 02:29:20 PM »
Some progress :D

arduino first start - blinking sketch

controlling computer mouse with psp joystick

PSP joystick acts like usb mouse (arduino)


Offline 1TONpete

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Re: PSP second *ANALOG* stick--(concept/idea)
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2013, 03:28:13 AM »
A ways back I came up with this idea. I dont have the coding experience for it. The way I thought of it was to internalize an avr with an adc. Convert the x,y data into pulses that would very depending on how much v is on the x,y data. One thing I figured out is that psp 2000 have pressure sensitive buttons. Not sure on the resistance values off hand but Im sure the psp reads a value for ^o[]x.


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