Author Topic: Reprogramming gameboy colour cartridges.  (Read 6735 times)

Offline Max_Kreeger

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Reprogramming gameboy colour cartridges.
« on: March 20, 2013, 02:45:57 AM »
Hey guys,

I was wondering...IS there a way to reprogram a gameboy colour cartridge with another game?

Thank you in advance.

Never mind, some hard research paid off. For future reference though if anyone else comes across the same problem.

To build the programmer:

Components needed:

R1:   27R
R2:   27R
R3:   1k5
R4:   470R
R5:   330R
R6:   330R

C1:   100u
C2:   100n
C3:   100n
C4:   100n
C5:   100n
C6:   33n
C7:   27p
C8:   27p
L1:   ~10uH
X1:   6Mhz

D1:   Green
D2:   Red
IC2:   ATMEGA 8515

Now because all commercial cartridges are ROM, you will have to replace the chip with a flashable one (29F032B)


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« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 11:54:53 AM by Rodent »

Offline Epic Lavalamp

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Re: Reprogramming gameboy colour cartridges.
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2013, 12:14:12 PM »
Nice post, I've always liked gbc mods/custom roms the best. I was wondering though, after your researching for the flasher, did you find out how big a game could possibly be?

I've always wanted to make a massive pokemon game that spanned through much more than just 2 regions like gsc did, but I've never been sure whether it was even possible or not. I've messed around with making ruby rom hacks before, but If a gbc could run a cartridge with huge amounts of data then I would probably start learning how to make gbc pokemon rom hacks.

Any light on the subject would be appreciated, thanks.

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Re: Reprogramming gameboy colour cartridges.
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 09:54:45 PM »
Dude thats pretty sick. I thought that game cartridges are not re-programmable? Read only memory?

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Offline Max_Kreeger

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Re: Reprogramming gameboy colour cartridges.
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2013, 03:02:05 AM »
Dude thats pretty sick. I thought that game cartridges are not re-programmable? Read only memory?

Correct, thats why if you look up, there will be a guide on how to replace the ROM chip with a flashable one.

Nice post, I've always liked gbc mods/custom roms the best. I was wondering though, after your researching for the flasher, did you find out how big a game could possibly be?

I've always wanted to make a massive pokemon game that spanned through much more than just 2 regions like gsc did, but I've never been sure whether it was even possible or not. I've messed around with making ruby rom hacks before, but If a gbc could run a cartridge with huge amounts of data then I would probably start learning how to make gbc pokemon rom hacks.

Any light on the subject would be appreciated, thanks.

If you read the guide on how to make a programmable cartridge you will see he used a previous Zelda game which has 32K of RAM. The author states with that much RAM you can pretty much program any game onto it. Heres a list on which cartridges contain what RAM and Chips:

As you can see, its a complete :censored: to do especially if you want to tinker with custom ROM's on a larger scale. This is where I'd like the R&D team to step in and make clean flashable cartridges instead of having to play lottery every time you buy one from a garage sale hoping it has the right RAM size etc inside.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 08:08:03 AM by Max_Kreeger »

Offline Epic Lavalamp

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Re: Reprogramming gameboy colour cartridges.
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2013, 11:24:28 AM »
If you read the guide on how to make a programmable cartridge you will see he used a previous Zelda game which has 32K of RAM. The author states with that much RAM you can pretty much program any game onto it. Heres a list on which cartridges contain what RAM and Chips:

As you can see, its a complete :censored: to do especially if you want to tinker with custom ROM's on a larger scale. This is where I'd like the R&D team to step in and make clean flashable cartridges instead of having to play lottery every time you buy one from a garage sale hoping it has the right RAM size etc inside.

Oh wow, alright. That's awesome, thanks for the info man


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