Author Topic: matrix 2 or new matrix board?  (Read 2131 times)

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matrix 2 or new matrix board?
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:30:56 AM »
I came accrossed a few new matirx board that I beleive are called the matrix 2 boards. I seen them in the halo 4 controller, some newer black controllers, I beleive in the new whote special edition controller and maybe in the newer special edition controllers such as the tomb raider. I tried to connect robbo3's Black Ops Jitter rapid fire without the connecting the Y button for jitter, all I wanted was the rapid fire itself. I have wired one of these chips up to all other boards and it works great, even without the reisistors for the player LED's. I cannot get it to work on this new Matrix 2 board, if you dont know what im talking about the new board resembles the CG2 board but has a ffew different solder points and the circuit board itself has alot of pin hole throughout the whole board. I wired it up several different ways and I cannot get anything. Many other people are also having problems getting certain chips to work on this board, if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate any help given. Thanks


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